And now one of my faves by dir. Claude Jutra for the NFB about a group of young Montreal high school kids anglin' around Westmount circa-'66 and ducking the fuzz at Beaver Lake!
This footage is all shot around Mont-Royal (urban park designed by famous landscape architect Frederick Olmstead sometime in the late 1870s, who also designed Central Park in NYC) and the kids appear to be LCC'ers - same prep school I was kicked out of at roughly that age!
I love that. Such cool kids.
George- I've been on the bay and one or two interesting, less obvious, alternatives. I'll send you a PM in a little while.
Awesome stuff Oliver.
Any excuse to play my favorite Beach Boys song:
Mom, I'm goin to the beach, ...yeah, I'll be home before it gets dark.
That has got to be a solid gold find, cheers Oli.
Hold up... did you say, 'ducking the fuzz at Beaver Lake?'
Liam, I remember that and it's not a bad choice... but I'm still after an original '60s Campus tee in green or red stripes, they can't be beat!
Aye, it's not a real alternative. Just plugging the hole in your heart till you find what you really want.
great find!!!
Really enjoyed lookin through those wooly!
Well thanks for putting me on to Bill Eppridge in the first place Oo.
I'm must be really shit at using google cause i tried pretty hard to find some more of the time skateboarding pictures, to no avail.