All those pictures I found trawling Flickr and there wasn't any credit given so I haven't the foggiest I'm afraid. I agree, it's a lovely car.
Do my eyes deceive or is that another example of the ostentatious bottom fastened three-button sack jacket?
^ That picture needs a caption! "what have you been doing all day dear" "Well I took some LSD this morning, next thing you know I'd skinned the neighbours cattle and painted and hung the hides. I'm a bit tired now so just relaxing and smoking some crack. How about you?"
I think I vaguely see an empty button hole below the one that's fastened.
"Music to Something By... in a Hardoy Butterfly Chair"
That's what the autumnal equinox looks like from the modern man's opium den.
I doubt it's as early as 1950 too.
Btw, if it isn't obvious... he's gonna give that woman a good spanking in that sculptural chair.
I think that's pretty overt from all those tanned hides!
Awesome pics, that cord suit is just perfect!
That lower jetliner pic is worthy of an album cover. So cool.
And thanks for the new Coltrane shots Woolster.
Blakey my man.
3 button with only top button fastened. Doesn't matter.