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#1 2014-04-12 05:37:22

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Some people may Judge, policeman or government is acting lawfully in Australia and hasn't for decades. Here is Wayne absolutely tearing the arse off a defacto Judge in the Supreme Court that leaves the crook speachless for over 10 minutes. And yes, Wayne has issued a writ in the High Court where we hope this Judge (a bastard) will get 25 years jail for his performance in this video.

High Treason & Fraud committed in the Supreme Court of Western Australia 23/04/12

I didn't pay a fine last year, and now they are coming after me. They have threatened to have sheriffs sieze my car, arrest me, take away my license, sell my assets, take me to court etc etc. Do you think l care? Not on your life pal! It's all intimidation to cover up the fraud of the cops. You should see they legal papers l have filed on them...scarey shit. If they don't back down l will have a writ issued to sue them in a higher court, or l will perfect commercial liens (seize of assets) against all parties involved. I've got friends who have done this successfully, and l will do it too. My paperwork is solid and my case is solid like Wayne's above.

In a future post l will show you how to stop the fraud that we call bills. You pay all utility bills using a $1 postage stamp on the bill. It's legal and the proper way to pay. You can also pay traffic fines with a $1 postage stamp. If you pay fines or bills using cash you are contributing to fraud and allowing them to double dip.

It's about time people woke up and stopped these de facto authorities doing what they are doing. I will not be intimidated by any of these people. They may lock me up without a trial to keep me quiet, but one day l will have my day and let them feel the full extent of the law. I will never back down.


#2 2014-04-12 05:42:49

Dudley Clarke
Posts: 1211

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Maybe the system needs a Celeverley kick in the constitutionals.

I came up to see her sometimes.


#3 2014-04-12 06:16:34

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

I am a big constitutionalist and many many laws have been broken. If they can prove they have the lawful right to fine me l would be happy to pay, BUT...when l know they are breaching the highest law in the land (the constitution) l will never back down.

I have given them opportunities to prove their lawfulness and prove me wrong, but they can't. I am all for defending my lawful rights under the constitution, l never never get intimidated and bow down to lawlessness with my tail between my legs. Gutless people who don't know their rights might as well be dead.

Apart from the constitution stuff, another thing l always do is insist on a proper invoice, NEVER a statement. This stops the double dipping fraud so we don't have to pay bills/fines twice. I say "show me the original invoice for the fine, and prove to me the debt hasn't been onsold to a third party". I also say "show me a signed court order from a court Justice that gives the sheriffs order lawful authority, and also attach his Judge's Oath with his signiture". Note: a Judge will never do that because he becomes proof of the fraud and will go to jail.

I also bring up the Letters Patent, and mention that if it has been amended that there must be proof that the Queen has signed off on the changes. I could bring up many laws, but those are the main things l always bring up. And yes...they do take it seriously because l have a certain council who refuse to fine me or bother me at all because l have issued them with bills in the millions and will file leins against the council if they issue any fines.

And if the Judge throws me in the lock-up without a lawful trial (like this man below in the video) he'll be charged $5000 per hour in his personal capacity while l am in the lock-up. See this short video (below) where a constitutionalist gets put in the lock-up for asking the Judge for his Oath of Office (all he is doing is insisting on his lawful rights). The bloke should have filed his paperwork and done an affidavit so it was on public record.

Btw, Wayne is an ex cop. He is no idiot Freeman. He is like me, he does things by the book and won't take any shit. It's time people woke up and learned their rights.

People are too pissweak, lazy and stupid to learn their rights these days. But all these dopes are costing us our freedom because the de facto authorities are taking it for granted that we are too stupid to care and fight for our rights. Don't protest against these authoprities...hit `em where it hurts = personal lawsuits or filing commercial liens so you can take their houses off them to pay for your retirement. smile  If the authorities are naughty, you smack `em down, HARD!!!

Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-04-12 06:23:03)


#4 2014-04-12 10:20:38

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2014-04-12 18:43:56)

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#5 2014-04-12 11:05:09

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#6 2014-04-12 17:35:43

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

All l am going to do is contract with them as a corporation. If the police want me to pay an unlawful fine l will be prepared to do so, but it will cost them lots of money for me to agree to paying the fine because many law breaches are involved on their behalf. If they send me to court l will write a legal letter back thanking them for the wonderful business opportunity, send them the paperwork, and send the court and judge the fee schedules where they become liable via a lawful asset seizure if they don't pay my bills and hourly rates for making an appearance.

If these people break the law and fine you, you don't fight them, you just lawfully bill them as a corporation and thank them for doing business with you. They are going to lose more money than they make, but that is there choice.

If they want to lock me up in the cells for a month l would be happy to do that too. If l am getting paid $5,000 an hour in the cells it is going to mean a big pay day when l get out. Soon as l get into court the fee schedule would be served on the Judge, then l push for adjournment and later come back to nail the bastards, but l never consent to a court recess ever because l lose my rights under UCC law.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-04-12 17:43:27)


#7 2014-04-12 18:38:36

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

^ Courts are instruments of the state, Shooman. To try to use the courts  to act against the interests of the state in any challenge to statute law is to misunderstand the nature of state power.

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#8 2014-04-12 18:50:58

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole


#9 2014-04-12 22:17:18

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#10 2014-04-12 22:33:22

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

It's time to wake up Sammy and see through the fraud. We have all become a bunch of sheep ignorant of our rights under the constitution.


#11 2014-04-13 00:17:17

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#12 2014-04-13 04:09:02

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Trust law Sammy, trust law. That's what it really comes down to. The state can close all the legal loopholes they want, it doesn't matter....all rulings they make are invalid and trust law trumps all because that is where the true power is.

I will be making the Judge trustee and l will be calling the shots in court. When the sheriffs come to arrest me l will order them to stand down as `administrator' or face full liability. A bloke l know did that recently in my area. Other blokes have been doing it too. The system will never admit that trust law exists because the constructive trust is fraudulent and isn't supposed to over-rule contract law, but we now know that's what's going on in the courts and when the police pull you up on the side of the road. The cops play the administrator, but next time l will tell them l am the adminstrator and order them to stand down or face full liability. Yes, the police will have a fee schedule activated soon by myself. If the cops write me a ticket, l will also be writing them a ticket, and my ticket will be for much more dollars than theres.


#13 2014-04-13 04:26:45

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2014-04-13 04:29:09)

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#14 2014-04-14 16:11:56

A pretty face
Posts: 13180

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

I phoned one of Australia's leading constitutionalists yesterday, the fellow in the links above (Wayne), and he advised me not to use my method. He said eventhough l may have had victories, it is too prone to problems. We had a good chat, and eventhough l am on the right track with many things, l am not correct on everything, and he says l am wrong on the trust law issue. Wayne has been studying the law for over 35 years and the constitution full on for 20 years and has an I.Q of 178 apparently. He is a brilliant law man and l am bloody well going to take his advise because he is very very successful in beating the corruption of the authorities. He doesn't pay fines, has no licence, doesn't submit to breathaliser tests, isn't restrained by building permits...nothing!!!

Wayne goes to the High Court again this Thursday to bring evidence against Australian Judges hoping to put many inside for 25 years and bring down the Australian corporate govt and restore common law under the constitution. If there is one man that can do it, it's Wayne. He is one of our only hopes for the future. When we become a Republic we are buggered, we go into communist dictatorship ideals under the U.N, that's why they want mass immigration.

He has agreed to take me under his wing and teach me the constitution and proper legal processes from the start and how to take the govt to court and win. This will take me years of study. It has taken Wayne 12 years to prepare his recent court case against the corruption of Australian courts for this Thurday's court hearing in the High Court.

And yes, the defacto corporate govt under called the Australian Govt has laundered taxpayer money in three overseas bank accounts with 2 trillion dollars in each one, so a total of 6 trillion has been laundered by the de facto aussie govt over the decades. Wayne had a computer tech person go into the Securities Exchange and Commission WEbsite and find this evidence. See...our tax dollars do not go into the country, they are sent overseas. Wayne is exposing the whole lot. Luckily our current High Court is a few constitutionalists sitting on the bench, it hasn't always been that way. Chief Justice `Robert French' is a big constitutionalist, so we have some luck on the side of the people currently....supposed to be a very smart man.

Respected U.S constitutionalists:

Last edited by The_Shooman (2014-04-14 16:15:18)


#15 2014-04-14 23:03:10

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3647

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#16 2014-04-17 14:35:49

From: Gilligan's Island
Posts: 12991

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Shooman, I am firmly convinced that if you spent a day in court working alongside a good judge involved in an important case and handling it well you'd have a very different view of these matters and you wouldn't advocate frivolous litigation that diverts limited judicial resources from cases that require immediate attention.

"bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"


#17 2014-04-17 14:57:05

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#18 2014-04-18 04:16:57

Ivy Original.
From: Brisbane Australia
Posts: 685

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

As I eat my porterhouse steak I reflect have done very well in Australia by following the law.  Wayne can challenge it all he likes, he won't win.


#19 2014-04-18 05:23:10

Dudley Clarke
Posts: 1211

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Is this 'Wayne' that everyone is talking about 'Big John'? Is he gonna ride into town and shoot up the baddies again? I'd sure love to be there to see that - Rooster Cogburn rides again. But now he's doing it upside-down. Skill.

I came up to see her sometimes.


#20 2014-04-18 17:35:19

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Wayne tears the Judge a new arsehole

Shooey ....better learn the words to this one wink

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


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