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#3451 2010-01-10 21:14:20

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: Ivy League style for today

Nothing special. Far too hot to care. 45 degrees outside. Lots of people would be evactuating their houses today, extreme fire danger everywhere.  Not too many working or shopping; everyone's inside, down the beach, in shopping centre's or evactuating their properties. 

* vintage white cotton pants
* medium blue cotton t-shirt
* tan Trickers bluchers (fat ones)

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-01-11 04:43:52)


#3452 2010-01-11 00:18:17

Moose Maclennan
Ivy Inspiration
From: Hernando's Hideaway
Posts: 4577

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3453 2010-01-11 02:20:46

heikki k
The Ivyist's Ivyist
Posts: 1442

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by heikki k (2010-01-11 02:21:28)


#3454 2010-01-11 02:27:36

heikki k
The Ivyist's Ivyist
Posts: 1442

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3455 2010-01-11 02:29:29

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3456 2010-01-11 04:45:18

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: Ivy League style for today

lt's 11 pm and the heat is brutal, l feel like driving to the beach.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2010-01-11 04:48:08)


#3457 2010-01-11 05:46:43

Posts: 152

Re: Ivy League style for today

Nice desert boots, Heikki. What make are they?


#3458 2010-01-11 06:17:54

heikki k
The Ivyist's Ivyist
Posts: 1442

Re: Ivy League style for today

^Thanks.. No Name off a high street shop, bought 02ish.


#3459 2010-01-11 13:40:59

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Ivy League style for today

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#3460 2010-01-12 02:16:27

Posts: 604

Re: Ivy League style for today

Great story Hepcat.

Now if someone could only tell me what it was actually about...
Are you the ghost of Ace Face?


#3461 2010-01-12 02:31:15

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today

^ Spycatcher complained about you last night, Big B.  ...

And how nice it was to be rude to him in response!


#3462 2010-01-12 04:55:59

Posts: 604

Re: Ivy League style for today

Oh yeah, I was baiting him. Accusing him of being one of your alter egos and he was a touch unpleasant to say the least. I then told him, in no uncertain terms I wasn't impressed.
What did he say Uncle?

Last edited by Beatnik (2010-01-12 05:00:05)


#3463 2010-01-12 05:01:51

Natural Sole Brother
Ivy, naturally.
Posts: 782

Re: Ivy League style for today

Complaining about people BTS is bad form if you ask me. Publish and be damned.


#3464 2010-01-12 05:07:11

Posts: 604

Re: Ivy League style for today

Right on BTS. 

Thinks.... Have I ever bitched about NSB BTS?


#3465 2010-01-12 07:24:55

Posts: 417

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3466 2010-01-12 07:26:39

Moose Maclennan
Ivy Inspiration
From: Hernando's Hideaway
Posts: 4577

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3467 2010-01-12 08:17:06

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3468 2010-01-12 09:06:44

Posts: 604

Re: Ivy League style for today

"We need to tidy all this up this year and stick to stuff that matters.  IMO."

I don't understand. What do you mean? Are you getting on my case yet again here old sausage?

Last edited by Beatnik (2010-01-12 09:07:41)


#3469 2010-01-12 09:34:53

From: The Sticks
Posts: 1306

Re: Ivy League style for today

Nice knot on that tie, Moose.  Particularly suitable with your open-collar look.


#3470 2010-01-12 11:10:54

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3471 2010-01-12 16:48:26

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3472 2010-01-13 00:33:12

Posts: 946

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Mr. Weejun is a beast." 1966


#3473 2010-01-13 01:16:50

heikki k
The Ivyist's Ivyist
Posts: 1442

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3474 2010-01-13 05:22:19

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: Ivy League style for today


#3475 2010-01-13 05:55:32

Moose Maclennan
Ivy Inspiration
From: Hernando's Hideaway
Posts: 4577

Re: Ivy League style for today


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