I think Soggs would suit a jacket like that.
It's a good example that an ivy sack needn't resemble an actual sack.
It looks very much like those polo ones which I really liked, with the right trousers, like you've got on there, it gives a subtle high waisted look with angles instead of curves., really top stuff, love it
Same thing has happened to some of my DNA tab shirts as well.
I've gained too much weight for most of my old Italian clobber and prefer a longer jacket cut these days too. I wish I could add a good two inches to all of the jackets that Claudio's made for me as I find they look "off" with a higher rise trouser and I've been wearing them less as a result. Perhaps I'll try 'em out again when I shed some pounds.
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2013-03-21 21:41:15)
Last edited by Leer R. (2013-03-21 23:09:44)
That's cool, each to their own outfit for me fits perfect (obvs trying to take a photo of it just looking so proves a tough challenge). If you want to pm me what you think needs adapting (bar the sleeve length on the shirt) I would be more than happy to take it on board.
Well I don't think we were aiming for the same thing in the first place. Rooster's is a shorter, moddier look. I can't see anything wrong with it, other than the sleeve lenght.
Hit the nail on the head Woolster. Have always mixed mod and Ivy slightly.
Some great looks whilst i've been away, Vile nailing it again, Henry on it as ever, and Newbie Rooster looking sharp too.
For me it's a dress down day, been a rough week so going for a laid back feel.
Red wing beckmans
Lee 101s
white tee
Pendleton blackwatch b/d
Fairisle vest
Shawl collar pea coat
Gieves silk/wool scarf
I like those short jackets Roosters wearing. I wouldn't alter the fit on the body myself, the sleeves need to come down an inch. Maybe with a bit of shirt cuff showing he'd get away with them being short. The shirt must finish pretty high on the wrist.
We're here every few weeks it seems. Is the jacket fitting like it is in that pic a matter of taste or of proper fit?
Hello, Devil's Advocate here.
I'm sure we can all appreciate where Leer is coming from. Perhaps the jacket isn't one size too small but I know most on here would consider it a size short. A size longer and the button stance would drop slightly and cover the visible belt line (something I always think looks naff). Or the rise could come up an inch? I know that isn't a popular option for mods but it would certainly look better with that jacket.
Sleeves as GW said an inch on the cuff would be good.
Shoulders are perfect. Colours are lovely.
Winter weight tweed jacket with Weejuns? There was disagreement on whether that works yesterday or day before wasn't there? What do the posters involved say about the look now that it's in front of us?
I've never had an issue with loafers and a winter weight jacket, I wear my loafers in the winter, ok not in the snow or heavy rain - but they are a year round shoe for me and think they look good with the rest of Roosters outfit.
The jackets a good fit, apart from the sleeves, the shortness of it is a matter of taste. The shoes look ok but dress shoes would look better I think. What do you think Liam?
I agree a pair of longwings or bluchers would look good with the outfit... in principle anyway. Perhaps the shortness and slimness of both jacket and trouser would make it difficult to wear the clunkier dress shoes we associate with Ivy? If that's the case (and I'm not sure really if it is so feel free to correct me) I guess loafers are the best or only choice for an Ivy ensemble. It's clear Rooster isn't an out and out Ivy man though so his choice of footwear is broader than many here.
It would be hypocritical of me to disagree on the shortness as I said the same as you have today when H posted a similarly short jacket. It's a good fit on the shoulder and that of course is a matter of fit and fact.
Does that little glimpse of belt bother you GW? I bet you have had a few run ins with it as a tall mod. Do you try to avoid it in your own outfits?
Last edited by Liam Mac (2013-03-22 09:08:14)
Let us hark back to the Son of Odin's grilled kipper I say...
I hate rules...especially with clothes....in this case, I believe Rooster's cock has been a-doodled and if he's happy...we should all embrace the happiness and joy he has brought to the forum, and whilst we may all offer up a short prayer aside for the loss of his DNA sleeve in what I certainly hope wasn't too hot an initial wash - I always wash cold on anything first time round that I would crap myself over shrinking and then sit there like a sap for a few minutes stretching collar n cuff?!? - the young man seems to have found a look that he "digs man"...and at the end of the day, we dress for ourselves...he'll get into longer jackets probably ...and maybe go back to shorter after that...I think you have to...but I can't be the only one on here who will suddenly get really bored of a particular look and disregard it for a year or two...t'is the joy of clothes mein bruders....I've only started wearing loafers again in the last few years but am already not sure where I'll be going this summer..it's obviously easier the older you get as if you're a hoarder like me, then it's easier to change styles...
Also the older and bulkier you get, the comfort factor is a big issue - anything vaguely constricting now drives me crackers.... but when I was Rooster's age (you may of course be a vampire fella, but you look to still have youth on yer side...) I couldn't bear anything even slightly loose fitting... I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not really what you wear (sometimes) but how you wear it...Attitude is everything!
Right, don't mind me...I've doughnuts to eat...
I hear what you're saying el capitan. No judgement on the Roosters look or style from me. He has his look and I have no doubt he knows exactly what he's doing with it.
H, too right. He certainly has his own look spot on. From an Ivy point of view the jacket may be too short
... for Mods perfectly reasonable. I believe Leer only commented on the jacket from the Ivy side.
The jacket reminds me of the sack jackets Jason at Thick as Thieves made
Short neat and with just a touch of waist suppression. One click back from the Ivy fashions endlessly peddled in mags and blogs and miles better for it... but much prefer the jacket in your post.
Lovely shot that btw Henry.
I have a Thick as Thieves sack jacket, definitely the more mod end of the spectrum but very well made and Jason was a pleasure to deal with. He used to post here didn't he?
The photo's we got from the shoot are all really good. All shot by Mr Lee Vincent Grubb, a gentleman and an artist with a camera as you can see.
That's a much better look and fit, and the roll on the shirt is perfect. The tie bar looks a bit too perfectly placed and ornamental for me, but that's a pet peeve of mine.