Off white or ivory, not white.
Good with loafers and casual trousers - not so good with formal trousers and shoes.
Especially good with playboys or dessies and jeans.
"White socks and polishable shoes is a bad look. It was then, and it is now. When I went to prep school, lost of guys sported that look, but more out of laziness than for effect. The shots in Take Ivy are wonderful; I admire the way traditional men's clothes have stood the test of time. But seriously, it's not a bible. Guys back then - Ivy-Leaguers and otherwise - just weren't as art-directed and precious as today's trads seem to be. Validating white socks and loafers today on the basis of Take Ivy is risible. Leave that look to Michael Jackson and girls from the '50s with their poodle skirts."
Comment by someone with sense
"nothing quite says "sef-assured masculinity" like someone wearing white socks and loafers with confidence. Always a head-turner."
Comment by someone who thinks its cool that everyone is looking at his socks and thinking "What a twat"
"You can find wool white sweat socks from Wigwam. This is a classic, masculine look that drives me nuts and not only has turned heads but preppy, masculine Ivy league type heads which turned into dates on several occasions. Real men love loafers and white sweat socks. Keep it coming!"
Comment by Henry Fitzgerald.
The only occaison I wear cream coloured towelling socks is on meetings of my bear club. Usually, they are paired with some boxer shorts and a flannel shirt. The next time, I'll try to make a sock circle pic. Could be difficult, though, we are not very keen on pics being taken on these meet-ups.
^ awesesome sauce - ha ha
Tony Perkins, another exemplar of "the look" sported the combo frequently as well. It obviously fits in the Ivy canon. I'm not saying the cream Wiggies are my first choice. But, the combo does fit squarely. If I had a qualm with OCBDs choice, I'd say it's that the sox are too casual for the rest of the garb. A more perfect example of carrying the "white sock" look would be my earlier post where I'm wearing them with chinos and the Pendleton. It's an unmistakably casual Ivy look and doesn't smack of '80s pop culture. The more laid back, the better it works.
Got home from work, went for a run, and took a nap. I had a dream that some of us forum members were in a dark basement club / pub somewhere. Not sure why, but I know it wasn't in the U.S. I want to say it was like Hamburg or Berlin, but maybe London. Very dark, with just bare light bulbs providing the light. We were all getting hammered and there was lots of laughter and plenty of good-natured ribbing going on. The faces that I recognized were 12 Bar, who was being very jovial, along with Jimmy, Tomiskinky, Oliver, Thaw. There were many others there, and I can only imagine they were stand ins for Armchaired, Liam, and others. Oh, and Goodyear was there lurking in the corner near the bar. I'll say there was a great sense of camaraderie amongst us, like some well worn military unit that's been fighting in some war. And damn, if we weren't all looking good. And there was good music playing too.
Shouldn’t the fluffy white socks be under the loafer?
Last edited by stanshall (2013-04-05 19:03:24)
I fear those images may have already been familiar to you Stan!
Last edited by THAW !!!! (2013-04-06 02:38:40)
Last edited by THAW !!!! (2013-04-06 05:45:00)
Last edited by THAW !!!! (2013-04-06 06:06:03)
Looking good PT although i am not a tank top man its looks cool on you
just about a perfect turn up on the jeans.
Damn, i regret not making the bid for that shirt a little more competative
it looks fine Rob!
Last edited by Armchaired (2013-04-06 06:39:37)
PT, I'm never really a fan of busy sweaters / vests / tanktops, but I will say that combo doesn't rub me. I like the jeans with the turnips and the playboys.
Thaw I like the look. Is it warm there? Looks summery. Bound to be warm here today, so I'm already contemplating what I'll wear over my coffee.
12 Bar, looks good, in spite of your obviously poor choice of white Wiggies.