Captain, I really like that ensemble.
Sancho... Model much?
I hate pictures. Though I thought that I much contribute to this board with something!
"Looks like a stiff!"
Sancho exemplifies the only thing I dislike about Scandinavians, They are all so fucking good looking.
Yeah. That's quite a head of hair Sancho. I don't suspect we'll witness you losing any of it anytime soon.
Maybe conservative bible bashing women that collect Star Wars figures?
This might come as a shock to you Ox, but that is the perception your clothes give to people. If you want to attract some fanny that has a sense of fun I've got a couple of tips.
Ditch the chinos and get yourself a good looking pair of trousers, nothing prep but something that will contrast your blazer, greys good but with a subtle check. Better still a solid trouser with a checked or textured jacket. Chinos work best with cotton jackets.
Get yourself into a slim knitted tie, chicks love knitted ties in patterns. And loosen yourself up with a PS.
You can trust me Ox, no one on here is getting more fanny than me, not even Sancho.
I do hope there isn't any confusion between USA and UK understandings of the word fanny.
Good point F, lets use the term "silk purse" instead.
I've grown a beard.
Complete this seasons look with mirrored sunglasses from Boots, and an H reg silver Vauxhall Cavalier. And jeans from Primark.
Funny you should mention Boots mirrored sunglasses...
For some reason I find GW's hubris endearing. I guess because for some reason I feel like he's not bullshitting. He admits he puts in massive amounts of work and money in order to be the Don Juan he is. But what do his partners in this illicit sexual exploitation look like? Is he all about the quantity over the quality, just wanting to put notches on his expensive Italian belt?
However, I wager that, going toe to toe, I could get more women in a two week period than GW could ever dream of. He would be left speechless and a hollow hulk of masculinity in the presence of my powers of sexual persuasion.
I think his girlfriend would also be interested unless he has really embraced that swinging nordic lifestyle. Its all steams rooms and twigs with essential oils on ive heard.
^ The Swinging Nords, didn't Rhino give them the complete re-issue treatment a few years ago ?