I do like your style Captain. Please keep posting pictures. Workwear/outdoor gear is something I really dig. I have many Indy boits and Red Wings add to that the ever expanding and useful Filson luggage and things like made in the USA Wool socks.
The legendary David's in NYC has a great selection and their goods cater to real guys that demand quality.
Last edited by Leer R. (2013-12-03 08:15:56)
Nice outfit Patrick. And thanks again for the tie mate. It's a bit moddy , but I have worn it a couple of times and I like it.
I sound like a broken record, but Ox, nice as usual. And same to you Repp. The jacket looks to be pulling quite a bit, but I'm sure that's a result of the chunky shetland.
GW, I can understand your sentiments toward Ox's thing, but it is what it is. That's just what he's going for. It's not like any of us expect him to do anything different or flashy. Not to mention, it's an "ivy" clothing forum. I can see how this shit is immensely boring to someone that can't get off from just looking at a picture of a button down shirt. I like that Ox has his uniform.
I concur.
I think some grey flannels or tapered strides in place of the khakis would make all the difference. I like the uniform, especially when he mixes it up with the ocassional shetland and wallabees, but I can also see the 'dad' connection with blazers and full cut chinos. Looks smart to me though.
Speaking of flannel, I took those light grey O'Connell's flannels to the tailor to get them tapered. I liked the full cut at first but after wearing them around and seeing the pic of myself I posted on the forum, I started thinking that they needed to go the way of the wedge. But, now that I've dropped them off for the surgery I'm thinking I should have left them alone. FOOK!! Nothing to do but wait and see.
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-12-03 13:58:00)
Last edited by Worried Man (2013-12-03 14:02:10)