Indeed, when one operates in the 42, 16-16.5, 34-34/36-34 ranges, one's NOS/deadstock and vintage options are limited. How often do we come across the perfect shirt, sack suit or dacron chinos only to find that arm or leg lengths are those befitting of an umpa lumpa?
15.5 - 35 is working surprisingly well! At least O'Connell's had (and still have for all I know) a pretty wide selection in this combination.
But I'm with you on 42 R/L...
Last edited by The Thin Repp (2010-11-22 09:54:41)
More to come as soon as I upgrade my Flickr account. I have maxed out my monthly allowance.
The first row of ties is sold, the Press cord suit is sold, the Brooks brown herringbone suit is on hold pending payment.
1960s suits are still available, including the olive herringbone. Seriously, somebody buy this stuff before I have to take it to the charity shops.
Edit: Hillhouse Ltd. charcoal suit SOLD.
Last edited by The Thin Repp (2010-11-23 09:12:24)
Last edited by The Thin Repp (2010-11-23 10:04:30)
The Brooks Brothers brown flannel suit is SOLD.
Who got it?