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#1 2008-10-10 11:08:03

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

Any fans?

It's not as scary as it sounds, I promise.

Gay America is very hardcore, this we know. Gay NYC in the 80's was a very tough place, but in London the Gay scene was flooded with straight girls & banter - Very different stuff.

Along with the North London Jewish community it was the West End London Gay community who taught me (straight little Goy that I am) all about Kosher Ivy.

I've told this story before more than once - Working in media, out for drinks after work, looking like I did (check the J. Simons website) with my Julie Andrews manners, people used to love to try to shock me. Ian & John in The Ivy Shop did it all the time. It's something that I seem to bring out in people...

So that's how I got into it all. Taken to a Gay club to try to shock me & I amazed everybody by finding new mates & staying chatting until the place closed.

History in the making. They took me to John's & then to Brooks & Press. And all free of any funny business.

Bless 'em.

Lucky me.

Anybody else trod this decorous path?

Being a Mod is the most common way into Ivy in England. But that's not my story. Anybody else come to Ivy from left field?

Best -


#2 2008-10-10 11:13:29

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

... I should just say that my Jazz fan uncle was straight as a die & my explorations pre- J. Simons were deeply straight & deeply uninspired. It was just making that leap into the big time that happend for me via my new Gay & Jewish chums.



#3 2008-10-10 11:17:57

From: Covington, KY
Posts: 1397

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

you must have been really cute then (maybe you still are for all i know)

You love him? He is hephaistion.


#4 2008-10-10 11:28:04

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

I'm a bit scratched up now since Paddy crashed his van.

I almost lost a nipple you know...


#5 2008-10-10 11:58:27

Posts: 1099

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

Between skinhead and Ivy proper, an older gay introduced me to the wonderful world of New York Jewishness al la Mike Nichols, Elaine May, Sondheim, Leonard Bernstein etc.  This led to an interest in Jewish culture in general and, eventually, to Marc Bolan, Peter Sugar et al. and the Stamford Hill/East End/Soho connection - and we all know where that leads to, right, RS?  Straight into Johns'...  Open minds...  evolution...  asking questions...  Can't beat Groucho, Woody, Lenny B... 
Exclude the gay and the Jew, you exclude life as we know it, Ivy-style.  Ralph Lauren?


#6 2008-10-10 12:10:53

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-10-11 03:31:26)


#7 2008-10-11 04:59:42

Ivy Original.
Posts: 332

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -

Interesting cultural thread. Some time ago, I became a fan of the humor of David Sedares, through his writing. I'm sure I've got the spelling wrong, but if you have read his stuff, you know who I mean. 51 year old gay Jewish writer and humorist, that was born in US, and is now a resident of London.

A week ago, he appeared in our local theater for a one night appearance. The place was sold out and the crowd was hugely enthusiastic. He's never advertised, seldom on TV, and yet has a tremendous following.

People that my wife and I knew in the audience were straight, gay, etc. and yet all seemed to thoroughly enjoy the performance.

If you haven't read him, you might give it a try. The humor is fantastic, but so over the top, that I couldn't repeat a single line at a party the next night to illustrate his humor. It would have been offensive if I had repeated it, but he had the ability to pull it off, with class.

The only point is that we have apparently come a long way in the culture in the US from caring about a person's sexual persuasion.

For example:
What do you have when you have two nuts on the wall? .......Walnuts.
Two nuts on your chest?........Chestnuts.
Two nuts on your chin?..........A dick in your mouth.

Not too droll in print here, and my hostess would have passed  out if I had repeated it at the dinner table, but it brought down the house. A catholic priest that I know was sitting two rows in front of us, and he thought it was as funny as I did.


#8 2008-10-12 01:08:06

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: The Delicious World of the Anglo Ivy Subcultural Homosexual -


This thread was probably more for the Anglo guys, the Anglo scene over here being so diverse... Actually I suspect (no, I KNOW) that the US scene is just as diverse - We just don't get to hear enough about it on the MBs.

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