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#1 2010-04-03 09:48:27

Arthur Dent
Posts: 13



#2 2010-04-03 13:00:04

Arthur Dent
Posts: 13

Re: If?

No bites?
Here's to the one who brought us all our inteweb trad fun. Russell Street!
I'm here to praise him. Not bury him.


#3 2010-04-04 01:34:21

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: If?

Russell is in Paris now, I think. Unless he doesn't exist, in that case he's switched off.

You forget, the promotion of favoured "artisans".

I know your questions are directed at our leader, but I would like to add something, is "Trad" a physical affliction and affectation of manners and dress, the embodiment of a culture past its zenith and in decline? Or, is it nothing more than the fag end of bad marketing of inferior goods and services?

If you update Death of Salesman to the present, and replace Willy Loman or indeed Biff with an iGent. It all makes perfect sense. Of course you need the right kind of eyes to see this, either that or the right amount of hard liquor.

Trad, in its only acceptable form; a reverential devotion to jazz ala hot, has since the end of WWII been associated with forces of conservatism and a nostalgic, morbid longing for the removal of swing from jazz. The realm of moldy old figs. iGent "Trads" are similar in their longing for a stylised, wholesome, somehow more pure sartorial vision of the past. The closest they get, is recreating Alan Parker's Bugsy Malone.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#4 2010-04-04 02:48:19

Arthur Dent
Posts: 13

Re: If?

I suspect I am misunderstood here. I want to know how he did it. How did he make it all happen and why. In particular his claim to fight on both sides piqued my professional interest. Everybody else is promoting their view of trad while Russell is promoting and analyzing all views? He trashes trads on modculture and mods on tradculture to strengthen the prejudices of each separate forum? On Film Noir Buff he lays into the Trad's forum and on the Trad forum he lays into Talk Ivy? The overreraching ambition on display here is breathtaking in both its conception and conceit. His sole ambition is that Ivy should be discussed and what is said doesn't really matter as long as everybody keeps saying it? Really? If so then this is beyond ABC marketing. To own a debate in this way and direct it is nothing less than playing God. I think Russell Street is mad and I think he is a genius. I'd love him to work for me but I suspect a brain like his is unemployable.
And why the hell put all this skill into something so meaningless? If this is entertainment for him then what is the rest of his life like? If we are really witnessing his down time then what must his real work be like?
I want to meet him. Who here has? Who has spoken with him? I am sensing manic energy on display here. Bi Polar?


#5 2010-04-04 03:41:22

Hard Bop Hank
Ivy Soul Brother
From: land of a 1000 dances
Posts: 4923

Re: If?

We regularly meet in order to play Chess. What do you want to know?

“No Room For Squares”
”All political art is bad – all good art is political.”
"Would there be any freedom of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid innocuous euphemisms?"


#6 2010-04-04 05:00:49

Arthur Dent
Posts: 13

Re: If?

Do you also post as Russell Street?


#7 2010-04-04 05:40:15

Hard Bop Hank
Ivy Soul Brother
From: land of a 1000 dances
Posts: 4923

Re: If?

No, but I'd like to post as Arthur Dent!

“No Room For Squares”
”All political art is bad – all good art is political.”
"Would there be any freedom of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid innocuous euphemisms?"


#8 2010-04-04 07:57:37

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: If?


You are a fake my son. You have been sent here by your masters to cause trouble. Bi-polar? Utter shite laddie. You choose the week when RS is in Paris, to attack, in the hope that someone will ditch some dirt, where in reality there is none. Who sent you? Chenners? Boyers? Together, they could conjure up a humunclus. No doubt. AAAC? His next move will be to attack with lawyers, 'cos the truth is catching up and that will hurt him financially.

Think of RS like Norman Granz bringing all those dispirate jazz musicians together in the spirit of the chase. Of course, I could be wrong, you could be a sound guy, but you profess to work in marketing, therefore, my assumption, is that you are a hoho.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#9 2010-04-04 11:50:36

From: The Woodshed
Posts: 147

Re: If?

I am Spartacus.


#10 2010-04-06 00:47:55

Posts: 6433

Re: If?

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#11 2010-04-06 05:24:08

The Thin Repp
Ivy Evangelist
Posts: 1160

Re: If?

I am Spartacus.  Classic Vintage Ivy League Clothing on Etsy.


#12 2010-04-06 09:27:45

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: If?

I'm Sparteecuss!

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#13 2010-04-07 14:07:10

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: If?

The humunculus, Arthur Dent is now no more, recalled back by his master who sits and plots his next move in his grotesque chamber of journalese enriched alchemy.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#14 2010-04-07 15:07:04

The Thin Repp
Ivy Evangelist
Posts: 1160

Re: If?

I think we should just see how many times we can use the word "homunculus" on this board.  Classic Vintage Ivy League Clothing on Etsy.


#15 2010-04-07 23:41:39

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: If?

Which spelling?

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#16 2010-04-09 19:58:29

Admiral Cod
Posts: 412

Re: If?

A dirty monotheist, I suspect.

"You will find that men of style and their adherents are considered either political enemies of the people or reckless, gluttoness consumers while most live in squalor" - FNB


#17 2010-04-10 04:20:46

Posts: 217

Re: If?

Have you got something against monotheists now, Admiral Gefilter?


#18 2010-04-10 12:00:21

Taylor McIntyre
Son of Ivy...
Posts: 342

Re: If?

I rather liked the Shakespeare thing...

And I can do the rest if it will entertain.

'Ancient History' as the wise man said. There's no way back now.


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