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#6401 2010-06-21 03:49:55

Big Down Under.
From: Melbourne
Posts: 6159

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6402 2010-06-21 06:43:57

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6403 2010-06-21 06:47:05

A pretty face
Posts: 13189

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6404 2010-06-21 07:56:31

Posts: 93

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

In which a troll, wearing custom bespoke made suits, can't afford to have them dry-cleaned.


#6405 2010-06-21 08:44:57

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9344

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6406 2010-06-21 13:11:10

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Andyland is The Island of doctor Moreau. Malinda is the panther woman. In spite of his best efforts the beasts, led by Cruiser will one day overpower Kabbatz , drag them to the house of pain and tailor new baseball caps, tshirts and flip flops from their very flesh and return to the jungle in various loping gates making roaring sounds.


#6407 2010-06-21 13:42:55

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)
Cuff Daddy exceeds his usual standards for inanity in this post from the marvelous trainwreck that is the black suit thread.
"I'm going to Thailand on my honeymoon and would like to spend as much time as possible in sleazy tailor's shops. How can I make this experience maximally humiliating for my wife? TIA!"


#6408 2010-06-21 17:28:46

Popeye Doyle
Posts: 1099

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Some yahoo who won't wear proper work shoes on the factory floor sends his black cordovan tassel Aldens to shoe restorer B. Nelson to have big Danite soles attached.  Much anxiety among the iGentry; they urge him to call Nick at B. Nelson to make sure he understood the request: "Please put Danite soles on these shoes." (Apparently the chance of having the shoes returned with baseball cleats was considerable.)  Others want to know the weight. Still another challenges Nick to respond in the thread. Guy is happy with his shoes, others worry that the steel shank might have been removed.  These poor fucking bastards.  Poor Nick.

Posting Bot "Kato" Katon has chosen Madras as a topic and generated 2 madras posts and one "Calcutta cloth" post, receiving a total of 2 responses so far:

He has 15 posts on the front page of the Trad Forum today, nearly a 100% increase in meaningless posts since the last time I counted. I think he might have issues. ( I know I do.)

Last edited by Popeye Doyle (2010-06-21 17:52:14)

"All in all they are a pretty sleazy bunch."
"Can one safely bone the cordovan of the dead?"


#6409 2010-06-21 21:18:12

Posts: 1276

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6410 2010-06-21 21:29:11

Posts: 1276

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)


#6411 2010-06-21 22:03:24

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#6412 2010-06-22 02:41:26

Sammy Ambrose
Posts: 3649

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2010-06-22 02:41:58)

If you aren't seeing through all three eyes at once day and night you are up shit creek without a paddle. The Shooman


#6413 2010-06-22 12:03:53

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I thought that was a particularly toothsome phrase - we must all turn to the world's captains of industry for our clothing cues. Ah, to reach the sartorial heights of Warren Buffet or Bill Gates!

Some midafternoon Caponery:
Matt Deckard asks if any of us have some well-worn beaver fur we'd be willing to show him.

Rapey-faced Fedoraite GI Joe takes his show on the road with these not at all creepy outfits:
The elusive "poop in pants" look, ably demonstrated.


#6414 2010-06-22 12:18:41

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

To bad Matt blew me off when my evil igent twin considered his product. I have a  beaver pelt, bought in Alaska when stationed there. I don't share my beavers with other men, new or worn.


#6415 2010-06-23 00:05:33

Posts: 1383

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Insomniac inanity:
iGents compare notes about their small Wangs (rimshot). That was kind of a gimme, since the thread is about Kent Wang pocket squares. It also appears to be a classic "yes, I really am this stupid" troll by Zblaesi. Z complains that if he executes a proper TV fold his tiny Wang disappears into his pocket; Kabbaz responds by SLANDERING Wang's squares:

Isn't Kent Wang another member of the Andy Elect? I actually have a few Kent Wang squares and I like them. If I were a person of very severely limited problem solving capability I might have a hard time figuring out how to fold them to the correct size for my pocket.
Hellomarty, the man who returned some shoes to Nordstrom because they smelled like cigarettes, is apparently in real estate. How wonderful!
And the black suit thread has reached a fever pitch of insanity, malice, unreason, and vituperation. It's almost exactly like "The Crucible." Investment bankers and lawyers from near and far have come to visit and to make snide statements and utterly unfounded assertions; each participant founds his philosophy on iron certainty that business stuff is just the coolest possible and most important stuff that anyone could do. I find myself on my knees, weeping abject tears of happiness because I own two black suits and will wear them whenever I like, without reference to the mental illnesses of strangers from the internet.

I tried to browse the Trad forum but it's now about 75% posts from Katon, mostly along the lines of "LL Bean thermometer zipper pull, early 1990s?"


#6416 2010-06-23 00:43:10

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Wang is a businessman first and foremost. Kent, like many vendors patronises  forums  That are potential customer  contacts. He makes his squares a standard 12"x12" which ARE on the small side. My modest collection, mostly from Sam Hober
differ greatly in dimensions. I received a gifted PINK from David when another customer found it to small. It's a favourite among favourites in spite of earlier negative associations.
One of my most effective squares is in fact a palantine purple with gold pindots from Kent. I solved it's display, and some of David's simply placing another folded cotton handkerchief in my breast pocket as base. Another option, which Kent will do is to make up a larger square, my request quoted at another $10. At $35 that still beats out Kabbatz' subway graffiti inspired trash and his Rube Goldberg  moustrap solution.

Last edited by ckav (2010-06-23 00:44:34)


#6417 2010-06-23 00:43:16

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by shamrockmonkey (2010-06-23 00:50:33)

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#6418 2010-06-23 00:55:34

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Actually that is a pan european military style still in use. Most of his costume is practical kit that would be O.K. Were not for his rucksack. What is in it? Is  a outdoor rendition of Climb Every Mountain next?


#6419 2010-06-23 01:12:15

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Last edited by shamrockmonkey (2010-06-23 01:24:50)

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#6420 2010-06-23 01:13:33

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Kabbatz once pontificated that ONLY silk was suitable for pocketsquares. I soaked all 6 of my vintage irish linen hankies crying when I learned that. My personal feeling is silk gets the puff and linen is for all that origami paper foldng nonsense.


#6421 2010-06-23 01:22:06

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I had a 'friend' who was your standard issue ' I never served in the military, but I collect and live it and don't appreciate your comments about Sarah Palin. He appeared on my doorstep one morning in full mountain yeager uniform with edelwiese patch and 98 KAR. I looked out the window and saw my local chabbad orthodox nieghbors walking to temple. I just let the doorbell ring


#6422 2010-06-23 01:26:09

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

you have some interesting people out in california. sounds fun.

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#6423 2010-06-23 01:34:24

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

Yes well they come here without invites; my reenactor has an  engineering degree from Notre Dam!


#6424 2010-06-23 01:43:57

From: chicago
Posts: 1418

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

as long as theyre leaving here. i was in a hipstery neighborhood a few years ago, and looked out the window to see a scrawny, bearded freak wearing a wehrmacht tunic, jodhpurs, puttees, and a russian ushanka hat. he was accompanied by a beaming fat chick. i let the lease expire and moved to the northwest side.

I brush my teeth with minty paste/I hate when Liquor goes to waste.


#6425 2010-06-23 02:00:21

Posts: 315

Re: New Improved Inane Post of the Day Thread (50% More Snark)

I fear it's a malaise of mediocrity with more disease vectors than a subway of rats. The worrisome part is my interest and attempts to dress like a man is vulnerable to the same infection. There IS this to say about poverty; I think a long time about what I buy while financing it.

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