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#13776 2013-08-11 05:41:21

From: West London
Posts: 3848

Re: Ivy League style for today

My tip for drumming shoes, go to a dance related store and get some basic 'tap' shoes.

Tony Williams swore by them and a few drummers I've worked with wear them as well,
and 'cos they're 'job specific' you can right them off against your tax bill (UK and USA) smile

"I have about 100 pairs of pyjamas. I like to see people dressed comfortably."
Hugh Hefner


#13777 2013-08-11 06:59:39

Leer R.
From: Vienna
Posts: 3450

Re: Ivy League style for today


#13778 2013-08-11 09:14:47

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Damnit Leer.  Don't apologize for being a natural male specimen.  I'm sick of everyone feeling the need to apologize for their chest hair.  What's next?  Apologizing for not having perfect teeth?  Sorry for not being taller?  Sorry for not being a homosexual?  Christ.  Looks nice and laid back Leer. 

And Bop, by all means use the photo.  All publicity's good publicity for me at this point.  It can only forward my career.  For some reason I trust that you're not posting them over there and just lighting me up.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#13779 2013-08-11 09:17:02

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#13780 2013-08-11 09:20:42

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#13781 2013-08-11 09:23:09

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

It is weird because its always the same picture of Bop completely naked.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#13782 2013-08-11 09:25:51

Leer R.
From: Vienna
Posts: 3450

Re: Ivy League style for today


#13783 2013-08-11 09:37:11

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#13784 2013-08-11 09:50:18

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#13785 2013-08-11 10:48:04

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#13786 2013-08-11 10:51:45

Posts: 7661

Re: Ivy League style for today

Im amazed facebook still allow it.

Last edited by Bop (2013-08-11 10:52:13)


#13787 2013-08-11 10:54:32

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

Enough’s enough Bop! You have had your demented fun.
I think a discreet fig leaf placed tastefully here or there is long overdue.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#13788 2013-08-11 15:38:11

Posts: 5147

Re: Ivy League style for today

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#13789 2013-08-12 02:38:58

Posts: 3262

Re: Ivy League style for today

Last edited by Tomiskinky (2013-08-12 03:07:57)


#13790 2013-08-12 03:25:38

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

Looking very good as always Tom, I must admit that was my least favourite Fizzy Madras.
However i am warming to it, it looks excellent in your Pic.
Has anyone heard from H? I now have the dough for my Green/Mustard (which H has reserved for me)
I am assuming H will send me a Pay pal invoice as they are sold out on the site
I cant seem to track him down though.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#13791 2013-08-12 03:33:44

Posts: 3262

Re: Ivy League style for today

I think he's away, at least that's what I gather from a post his good lady made on Facebook.

Sure he will be in touch when back AC. It was the mixed colour of that madras that made me like it, the colour works with 90% of my jackets.


#13792 2013-08-12 05:04:26

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Ivy League style for today

Looking great Tom.  Is that Gant pink?  Looks pink on my screen.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#13793 2013-08-12 06:13:13

Posts: 3262

Re: Ivy League style for today

It is a pink colour, but called sunset red.


#13794 2013-08-12 07:39:37

Posts: 5147

Re: Ivy League style for today

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


#13795 2013-08-12 07:50:45

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

I love the picture Tom. It shows off the fabric of the madras really well.

I'm also enjoying the gradual evolution of your hair.

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#13796 2013-08-12 07:56:02

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

Got to admit Tom’s hair often throws me off it shouldn’t but it does.
When he hasn’t got that Mod haircut he insists on, it’s pure Ivy, like today.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#13797 2013-08-12 07:59:27

Posts: 3262

Re: Ivy League style for today

Well I did say once I hit 40 I was ditching the feather cut, which I have, but it's taken a couple of cuts to get it to this, even the missus like it.


#13798 2013-08-12 08:06:34

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Ivy League style for today

Stick with it Tom it suits you mate.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#13799 2013-08-12 08:11:32

Posts: 2068

Re: Ivy League style for today

"Plup." Jimmy Frost Nachtman.


#13800 2013-08-12 08:21:27

Posts: 5147

Re: Ivy League style for today

Hide thy infants, hide thy Lady, and hide thy husband, alas they art forcing sexual intercourse upon the entire populace. - Wm Shakespeare


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