Goo on then, Rodders. Get to it, my son.
Simon Crompton. If it isn't bad enough. His blog is a NYTIMES favorite. Even though most of his stuff is a rehash of everyone elses information. By the time your reading this, he probably has become more successful with the bones of gullible igents. For god sakes he's got his own TWEED!
This again.
It would probably be much easier to name the non-assholes in style blogging.
Ask Andy is the place to start - Shillchrist and his mods (Kabbaz, Jovan etc) have turned that site into a sick joke.
Manton and Mafoofan on Style Forum must be at the top of any list of forumites. There are so many arseholes in that sewer.
Christian Chensfold of Ivy Style is the typical "wannabe" loser who re-hashes PR tripe.
Dan Trapannier, aka the Style Blogger, is so far up his own arse his breath must smell of BS.
"Costi" writes pseudo-sartorial crap on the London Lounge.
More to follow.
RSS is said to be okay. F Cobera too. Has a great DB suit
All of them.
Hey, Nico, how does it feel to be one pf Cromp's 'noble exclusions' from his Christmas book list. Is that the ultimate' finger''?
Kabbazz is a humorless douchebag.
Kabbaz has to be all time number 1, closely followed by Will, then Mafoofan.
Why would anyone turn to the NYT as a source of style?
The WSJ has dipped its toes into similar territory with equally laughable results.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2012-12-06 02:28:07)
l often know when and who is going to ring me. When it comes to people like myself, we don't even need to talk, we can read each other perfectly. lt gets weird when there is a hottie (eats well and meditates) and you hide your feelings on the outside well, but she still knows you want to have sex with her..get very awkward.
Thanks Sammy never heard that track before. Wonderful soul classic bro'!