What do other forum members do when this happens?
I'd like to get up for a jimmy, but I'm too proud to be seen by Mrs. Lean hopping down the hallway.
She might think less of me... plus think of the noise!
A quick massage makes sense but I'm afraid to be seen sitting in front of a computer rubbing myself.
There is no lock on my study door.
I can't see any way out of the mess I'm in...
(Business as usual!)
Thank you for bumping my thread.
I would opt for Mrs Lean but then I always do when possible !!!
I keep a small meat tenderizing mallet in my desk drawer for just such occasions. It's a beautiful nickel-plated turn-of-the-century piece that's heavy enough to get the job done.
Last edited by Tomasso (2007-02-17 02:39:01)
Thank you for bumping my thread.
(That's not Gay slang, btw)
Mr. Tomasso -
Have you ever bumped your own thread?
I'm sure that most men have although few would admit it.
I'm bumping my own thread in fact right now as I type this.
Oddly I feel no shame. Is this wrong of me?
I must admit that I like it best when others bump my thread.
It's a nicer feeling somehow.
(Please be frank)
Thank you for bumping my thread.
You'd think that all this bumping would make me get sore but not a bit of it.
My thread can take it.
I was confirmed by the Bishop of London, Doncha know!
Terry Lean, the Schmoozing Machine.
Seriously, I never tire of you.
Please, I'm only as good as the people I work with.
Thank you for letting me be me.
I won't cheapen this moment with an emoticon, but I know that you can see one in your heads as you read this.
PS: ... Nice man, the Bishop of London. Our souls are always on his mind. (Do please read that last line out loud for the fullest 'Terry Lean' effect!)
*A nod to Chris H. who inspires anything I do that's any good*
Just thought I'd bump my thread before I went to bed.
I find it helps me sleep.
Does it help your leg sleep? Just curious.
You can borrow my mallet any time, by the way.
Ahhhhhhh -
First bump of the day!
Nothing like a yawn, a stretch, and a bump...
Mr Six - Your mallet, could it double up as a troll hammer?
Back to my legs - I find if I have a bump standing up I often go a little weak at the knees. Should I be concerned?
The mallet is a good troll hammer for very small trolls. It only angers large ones, and you know how that goes.
Maxwell's silver hammer, then?
More or less. Maybe a little less.
Look at the quality of the bumps we have here!
Ain't no bump like a Bastard's bump.