It's a peach of a little mallet. You know the kind I mean, small but hefty, with the pyramidal waffle heads, coarse on one end, fine on the other, nice and crisp and sharp so when you run your thumb over the points and edges, you think "Wow, this baby could inflict some damage."
It's all about the bumps.
I'm sorry to tell you, Mr. Lean, that my meat-beating mallet has no maker's mark. However, the loop at the end of the handle (to facilitate hanging) appears to be hand forged, leading me to believe it was created by an artisan.
Shame on you, but very good!
If only people would let this thread die...
Can I just say a big thank you to everyone for stopping bumping this thread & allowing it to die.
We really don't need this kind of thing constantly being moved to the top of the forum.
I know you'll agree.
That's fine, Sir.
In fact I want you all to call me Terry.
Please never think that I am too grand or magnificent to talk to anyone here.
I'm just not that kind of guy.
I'm just plain Terry.
I like your new avatar very much - It has movement and drama. Things we need more of on the MBs.
Can I also say that there is no shame attached to your post in my eyes - Yes, you bumped the forbidden thread, but you didn't bump its topic. There is a difference.
I admire your restraint & I salute you as a man.
In fact if my leg wasn't so numb I would give you a standing ovation.
Your friend -