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#1 2007-02-25 19:06:43

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

What do the best of the bunch here know?

I have heard time and again how this board is made of of the finest of the fine and I am begining to wonder just what it all means?
Forgive my inquiring mind and do not think me so foolish to disregard but instead so inquisitive to inquire within.

I may should disclaim this post as well as I am never sure if my poorest american english is going to be misunderstood for one and also if it is going to in advertantly offend so I proceed with reservations.

You "Guys in the know" about clothes to what level do you know them?  I think its fair to say I have read enough now to realize the general trends in taste and what many here find stylish is a bit beyond me .  Maybe I am a conserative and ye all more liberal.  It is not color and such I wish to know I guess but wish to find if you all study the suit and the shirt and the shoe as we do the felt and the ribbon and that is from the core out.

I know anyone can wrap a ribbon around a felt of straw and call it a hat and some do so and call it a 6000 dollar hat.   Same is true with suits and such.  I am not really inquiring so much but also a little bit about precieved value here but also deeper.  Do you guys study what makes for the finest of the fine or just like how the finished thing looks?

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#2 2007-02-25 19:15:07

Posts: 1330

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?


#3 2007-02-25 19:43:23

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

I seem to have seen the shows at some time.   Now you have me wondering whom specializes in what as the actors spread out on the stage of life.

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#4 2007-02-25 19:54:33

Posts: 1330

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?


#5 2007-02-25 19:59:19

Posts: 1192

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

I have no specialty except to be proof that 20-somethings can look good in trad, and that a younger person can wear nearly anything sold at Press and Brooks without it looking like a costume.


#6 2007-02-25 20:23:40

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#7 2007-02-25 20:34:16

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#8 2007-02-26 06:24:02

Posts: 6433

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#9 2007-02-26 06:51:45

From: Gmunden, Salzkammergut/Austria
Posts: 849

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

My "specialty" are the shoes made in the Austro-Hungarian tradition. Mainly Derbys(Blucher), pegged with wooden nails, alternatively with goyserer stitching. Bespoke, of course

"I'd give all the Champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him(Eric Cantona) in a big European match at Old Trafford." George Best(1946 -2005)


#10 2007-02-26 08:29:35

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

I never paid enough attention to the A-Team & I regret it now...
Wasn't their leader called Anabelle?
She liked cigars?


Also does the 'A' in A-Team stand for for Artisanal?

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


#11 2007-02-26 08:41:18

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

Hate to correct you Mr. Lean but I think it was Artisamal  but I never could spell.  I do recall she was a handsome devil and cigar smoker but I could not watch the show due to it was obvious to me that she was smoking off the shelf stock and I could not go there.  I do know that Kaniver guy that was on during the same time however could use the wooden stems off her matches for shoe pegs.

Both my grand fathers was cobblers as well and they would not abide such a peg and all theirs was hand select hickory.   They did make a servicable shoe some times however and once soled my mothers as a little girl with a prince albert can when the depression was on and no leater to be had and another time with a tire off an old a model ford.

While this is an interesting group for sure, I am not sure what the need for tools are about.  We started back up 4 years ago and worked the first year with one block and no tools we did not use to eat with as well. 

Necessity being the mother of invention and all...  Now we have distributed the spare tools from over 50 shops we bought and sold and have all the best yet here and are making fewer hats than ever.

Go figgure.

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#12 2007-02-26 10:44:35

Posts: 194

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

My specialty is pocket napkins.


#13 2007-02-26 12:43:23

Posts: 1330

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

Last edited by Vaclav (2007-02-26 12:44:31)


#14 2007-02-27 23:06:02

Posts: 6433

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#15 2007-02-27 23:17:33

Patrick Bateman
Posts: 1006

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

My specialties are Asian girly pix and Paul Stuart catalogues.



#16 2007-02-28 00:47:27

the other nicksull
New member
From: Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Posts: 9

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

Reading over the site Id say a pretty good pool of knowledge is here. Som of the things are more in depth and fascinating than the other forums IMO.


#17 2007-02-28 03:20:22

From: Clintwood Virginia
Posts: 296

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

To learn about traditional ultra custom bespoke commissioned hats please come visit the hat forum at :


#18 2007-02-28 04:17:18

From: Burlington, ON
Posts: 1499

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

My specialty is coaching basketball.

Er, well not of much sartorial use, I'll grant, unless you are looking for fresh kicks, a good windsuit, warm-up, or hoodie ... roll


#19 2007-02-28 05:23:50

Posts: 103

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

I'm fairly knowledgeable about archaeological theory and method, as well as certain environmental regulations.  Oh, right: the clothes . . . well, I do appreciate a good hat (though I've only ever owned one "good" hat, maybe two, depending on your criteria).


#20 2007-02-28 06:38:27

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?


#21 2007-02-28 07:42:50

From: michigan
Posts: 205

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

Remembering what everyone wore forty years ago.




#22 2007-03-01 06:31:19

Posts: 1330

Re: What do the best of the bunch here know?

Last edited by Vaclav (2007-03-01 11:07:37)


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