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#1 2007-02-28 16:14:18

Posts: 6433

Natural Shoulder revisited

An older thread (unfortunately most of the good stuff is lost in the archive's memory hole).

I just had a jacket made and it's almost finished.  A natural shoulder to my specs.  Except I had what you might call "roping" or maybe the slightest bit of "padding" put at the end.  I think I prefer it this way.

I like swelled seams but only on the front of the coat.  The old Brooks coats that I have with swelled seams also featured them on the back seams which I don't like so much.  But the hooked vent was such a nice detail that I still like it.  But the rest of the back I like "clean" sans swelled seams.

Also, I used to like the Brooks natural shoulder to end right at the end of  shoulder, but now I'm thinking that I like the shoulder to sort of slope a little off the end of the shoulder.  Or at least I thought I'd give it a try.  It feels kind of weird but I hope I'll get used to it.  It was an expensive experiment but I only have myself to blame.

Pics to come.  Also I thought I'd see if I could find some older Brooks jackets that I don't wear anymore and cut them up and compare the shoulders with photos, if anyone might be interested in my little amateur-butcher-tailor experiment.

Last edited by Horace (2007-02-28 16:14:52)

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#2 2007-03-01 01:45:00

Terry Lean
Posts: 2440

Re: Natural Shoulder revisited

Sounds very interesting to me.
I think there is quite a spectrum of natural shoulders, as there is a spectrum of all Ivy details historically. No easy curriculum.

"One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing"


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