Last edited by John Rotten (2008-10-04 11:31:00)
Excellent shoo-porn Johnny Rotten! Those Pearls and C&J's are really something. Thanks for taking the time to share. Pity more people don't post their wears over here.
l love the Santoni and it's good to see you're getting more monks. l would have loved to have seen what the sock looks like. Are you able to post a pic of the shoo-sock Johnny?
l still can't warm up to the that toe shapoe on the Tramezza but the suede does look beautiful. Thanks for posting your shoos Mr Rotten.
l feel my next shoo may be my all time favourite. l've got a `big gun' in the works right now. Can't wait till l get it...i'll try and wear that sucker right out.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-27 18:55:32)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-27 18:59:23)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-28 08:31:25)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-28 09:10:23)
those FAM are fantastic.. You are right about the slightly squarish toe, they look great on a wholecut.. The shoe nerds who talk about square toe this and square toe that (in their defense, often to the drastically squared off version that has a good 4 inches of straight clean line at the toe) don't know that they're missing. I need to buy a pair of those tan sock, but they can be a bit hard to find around here.
I'd love to see some of Grayson's collection.. Sometimes I think there aren't enough shoe fanatics around here..
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-28 10:29:50)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-28 10:48:29)
Excellent monk Mr Rotten. l've been wanting one of those for well over a decade. Church's used to make a beauty, but they stopped making them years ago. l've been lusting after C&J's version for the last few years, i'll probably buy it online when l get the motivation to go through the dreaded online process.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-30 00:31:45)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-11-30 19:47:15)
Shooma: I was very upset by the state in which we find yr Johnny Mokes. What's going on with the lack of polish. Looks like those things haven't been properly cared for. Perhaps even neglected. Please explain. Yrs Faithfully, H.
Last edited by John Rotten (2008-12-26 11:19:39)
^^^ that's a good photo. That perspective is a lot better than what one normally sees on the forums.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-12-26 23:01:50)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-12-26 23:03:14)