If you so much as even care about whether you are a men's clothing internet message board celebrity
...you might be a men's clothing internet message board celebrity
Don't forgot - "If you have been banned from 3 different forums, have repeatedly attempted to post under various aliases, and now have a post count of over 3,500 at a new clothing forum, you are an men's clothing internet message board celebrity"
I keed, I keed....
Last edited by Marc Grayson (2007-04-11 14:19:58)
I don't deny that This humble groupie has no aspirations to be a celebrity.
I make a good living forging Marc Grayson autographs on eBay.
The "A list" must certainly include Ken C Pollock.
Cheer up, Brother Horace -
Internet celebrities are like those western pop groups in the '80's who were only ever 'Big in Japan'...
It's a euphemism for something else, surely?
Oh, go on then -
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-04-14 13:30:54)