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#51 2014-12-02 11:25:34

heikki k
The Ivyist's Ivyist
Posts: 1442

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

a great young fella. missing him.


#52 2015-11-23 11:20:32

Posts: 7661

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Just wanted to say my thoughts are with Liam's family and friends at this time of year and all of us that enjoyed his company on here.

Rest in peace Weeman


#53 2015-11-23 12:05:43

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Two years already.. where does the time go ?

I still miss you Buddy .

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#54 2015-11-23 13:06:14

Posts: 1099

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Remember Liam being the only one who actually enjoyed my bay area '67 look.


#55 2015-11-23 13:36:54

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Miss his sense of humour and him getting so annoyed when I said I didn't like print shirts

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#56 2015-11-23 18:18:08

Worried Man
From: Davebrubeckistan
Posts: 15988

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

To Liam! 

I still think about the guy often.

"We close our sto' at a reasonable hour because we figure anybody who would want one of our suits has got time to stroll over here in the daytime." - VP of George Muse Clothing, Atlanta, 1955


#57 2016-12-29 06:57:46

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Three years but not forgotten buddy.


�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#58 2016-12-30 01:04:14

4F Hepcat
Posts: 14333

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Aye, he was a fine gentleman and greatly missed.

Vibe-Rations in Spectra-Sonic-Sound


#59 2017-06-17 21:04:07

Son of Patrick
Posts: 48

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

I didn't know Liam well, but like everyone else I liked him, and enjoyed his contributions here. I remember when he passed and it was a shock to me -- and he was so young, probably fifteen years my junior. I remember feeling so terrible for his fiance, and for his parents, and thinking that life was like a strange river.

So meanwhile I've gone my own way and I haven't been on FNB for years. As you can see from my post count, I was never a big force on here anyway, but I liked this forum and lurked on it for ages -- and this was years ago, let's see it's 2017 now so I would say it was practically a decade ago when I first came on. I can't give the exact date, I don't know it, but I kept coming back, especially during a period when I was sick of all the other online clothing forums and really got a laugh out of some of the threads on here that were critical of them, even if they often crossed the line into meanspiritedness at times -- this was around 2011 or 2012, and about that time I registered and may have even posted a bit. In any event I kind of drifted away not too long after Liam's passing, by early 2014 for sure.

It seems a different place here now -- as every forum in the world always is when you look at it after the passage of a handful of years -- and I recognize some faces while others are new, I'm enjoying the new tenor of the threads, and I appreciate that the Liam topics remain stickied at the top.

But something happened a moment ago that I probably ought to share here. I clicked "Messages" on the top bar, and saw a new pm in my inbox -- from Liam!

He'd sent it to me back in June of 2013, almost four years to the day. We'd been talking in pm about stuff and I'd expressed interest in some of the photographs he'd taken. I wondered if he'd done any postprocessing on them. I'd faded off the board before I ever checked my messages for his answer. So just now I got it. No, he said to me four years ago, the images weren't from one of the photo apps that were trendy at the time. And he also told me about the place where they were taken. It was a place that was very beautiful and peaceful and that he liked being there. It wasn't a lake -- which is what it looked like in the pictures -- but it was actually a river that had forked around an island, "a very nice spot for watching birds and also fishing."


#60 2017-06-18 02:34:37

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Great post SOP , i often think of our great pal liam.
To me this forum is tied to Liams memory and even though its been quiet of late, i hope we preserve the place for him.

I will never leave the place......

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#61 2017-11-30 12:38:27

Babbling Brooks
Posts: 683

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Toast to the wee man.

You can play a shoestring if you're sincere.


#62 2017-11-30 12:51:05

From: Crabapple Cove, ME
Posts: 4519

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

I'll raise my glass to that - I never knew Liam, but I think the words in his threads and his honorary place as moderator of these forums speak to what a special place this is on the internet, something I can be a part of today in large part because of the kind of person he seems to have been.

"The only comment a gentleman’s outfit should generate is that he is properly dressed for the occasion" - Calvin Trillin


#63 2017-12-01 14:07:25

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Never forgotten on here Liam,rest in peace my friend..

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#64 2017-12-12 13:37:06

New member
Posts: 1

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

I knew Liam briefly some years ago from another forum. We'd chatted a little, then when I listed some shoes on eBay he ended up with them- we put two and two together from usernames I think and spotted the coincidence. He was a sweet guy. Reading this thread today has been a huge shock, but it's great to read the comments about him. Such a shame.

"Football is important to me, because working with ladies for five days a week means I either need a psychiatric couch or a good football match" - Vidal Sassoon


#65 2018-12-08 08:19:55

Babbling Brooks
Posts: 683

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Raising a glass for the weeman...

You can play a shoestring if you're sincere.


#66 2018-12-08 11:44:14

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#67 2018-12-25 08:37:47

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Five years ,still missed buddy.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#68 2019-11-30 15:49:00

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

six years and not forgotten Bud.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#69 2021-10-17 13:29:50

Devil's Ivy Advocate
From: The Lost County of Middlesex
Posts: 7959

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Coming up for 8 years and time to respectfully raise a glass to the fine young chap that was Liam.

'I'm not that keen on the Average Look .......ever'. 
John Simons

Achievements: banned from the Ivy Style FB Group


#70 2021-10-17 14:49:16

An Unseen Scene
From: Nottingham, UK
Posts: 1348

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Thanks for marking this.


#71 2021-11-22 14:45:05

Ivy I.V.
From: Old England
Posts: 7580

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Eight years has gone so fast.  Rest in Peace Liam.

�Careful with that axe Eugene.�


#72 2021-11-24 02:50:19

Hard Bop Hank
Ivy Soul Brother
From: land of a 1000 dances
Posts: 4923

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

Yes, RIP Liam!

“No Room For Squares”
”All political art is bad – all good art is political.”
"Would there be any freedom of press or speech if one must reduce his vocabulary to vapid innocuous euphemisms?"


#73 2021-11-24 04:55:20

Posts: 1585

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

A glass will be raised. RIP Liam.

Do you know what a Palmist once said to me? She said: will you let go!
Vivian Stanshall


#74 2024-11-19 01:24:50

Posts: 63

Re: Liam MacDonald Obituary

I accidentally dropped in today - just over 11 years!!!


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