Us car guys hijacking the thread....
Last edited by formby (2014-01-08 16:45:05)
Last edited by dryplum (2014-01-09 06:06:39)
Third one down looks like he should be selling newspapers on the corner in a 1940s Superman movie screaming 'Extrae Extrae, read all about it!".
The last photo is pretty much what men are wearing now in NYC, the winter whites, the three piece checks. The man in the blue tweed and white trousers gives off an interesting message with his shorter jacket suggesting youth/innocence and his beard suggesting age/wisdom.
I am still curious about the international scarf phenomenon in mens clothing. It seems like men are wearing them under the jackets now like prayer scarves and making tight jackets tighter.
its a foolish way to wear a scarf .. means you lose the line created by the inside edge of your jacket and simultaneously creates unsightly bulging. wear it with an overcoat or not at all.
Last edited by dryplum (2014-01-09 06:15:02)
also look at on their double breasted jackets how little overlap there is on the front, with very closely spaced buttons. Its a sort of single breasted & double breasted jacket hybrid. neither fish nor fowl.
I think the problem with it is everything is skin tight. Even an overcoat has to be spray on. Maybe it reflects a neurosis about weight? I dont know. To me the boom period look especially of the more youthcentric companies like H.I.S was to go for a slim silhouette. But as lean as everything got it didn't look utterly skin tight and jackets still had a bit of room. This modern style we see above is youthful but I dont think its balanced. Very extreme little lending to classic. It is a response, it looks ridiculous time will show this even to the people wearing it. Sometimes fashion isnt about the clothes.
ALL the jackets are pulling. And if you're wearing a suit or jacket, you gotta have socks. None of them have socks. Obviously planned, or they all work together, some kind of uniform. I hate this look. That one guy's belt is 5 sizes too large, all hanging down. These guys are what I would call "fashionable". That's not a good thing. Mrs. WM would quickly tap me on the shoulder and say, "Oh my god. Look at all these douchebags coming up the street."
Exactly, if anyone wants any further reading on males modern neurosis on the body, check out Afluenza a great book recommend to me by someone on here years ago.