Ah Coolie, I admit that I must eat more than a large piece of humble pie as far as you are concerned ,I said some harsh things when you stopped posting at AAAC , I`m affraid I let a sense of misguided loyalty get the better of me.
I would be greatfull if you would accept my sincerest appology.
The reasons why I said what I did , cropped up in conversation with Jack and myself last night , and he has helped me understand the situation better.
I hope we can put the matter behind us and enjoy posting with each other.
Best wishes to you.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-10-04 11:20:28)
Thanks Cheeky, I could get to enjoy all these compliments.
Hi Tom and my 2 cents worth of welcome as well. I am very interested in any "fogey" information you may have, as I suspect my own style veers rather away from "hip" or "Ivy" and closer to what may uncharitably be called "stodge".
Hi Tom and welcome, hope you're reading; I have much enjoyed your posts in the past, and I would enjoy any contribution you might care to make on the UK country 'trad' style (a neglected vein I feel).
Oddly, DougNZ (as he was mentioned) is someone I thought about recently as the subject of kilts came up - I have read several of his highly original posts on highlandwear on AA.
Loved both your pub stories lads BTW, wonderful stuff.
Thankyou for the welcome Moose.
Doug is a fantastic poster, and his depth of knowledge goes far beyond highland dress, I hope he starts to post over here, when it comes to all things fogey, Doug is your man, although Jack isn`t without knowledge as was evident on his fogey threads at AAAC and conversations we had last night.
eg ,thankyou also for the welcome.
whilst my knowledge on fogey is OK , we must remember who brought the fogey idea to the message boards, Russell street ( jack sparrow now)
From what I have seen, he doesn`t post much on his fogey past so much now adays. Although I understand he and cheeky monkey have had a couple of PM chats about it, and certainly last night he and I had quite an indepth conversation about the merits or otherwise of Fogey, I`m hoping he will post a little about his knowledge here.
It looks like we are getting quite a fogey intrest group together, doesn`t it?
since finding the Jack Sparrow threads were deleted on AAAC. I pm`ed mpcsb and he has informed me that the reason the threads were deleted was due to some of the posts becoming Ugly and highly critical of Jack , he felt that as Jack was banned and unable to defend himself , it was better that the threads dissapear.
which I suppose is fair enough, maybe .
to be honest I don`t know wether I wouldn`t rather have seen the threads continue, to clear the air so to speak.
but then again what mpcsb says also seems very fair to jack, with him not been there to defend his honour.
oh I don`t know draw your own conclussions.
any way thats the reason.
seems a bit -now stop squabbaling children -I don`t care who`s fault it is - if you don`t stop now - all of you will miss play time.
Last edited by Coolidge (2007-10-04 23:56:19)
Welcome Tom!
I'll post more later - I've half broken my back carting that ruddy armchair upstairs so I suspect I'm going to be lying down for most of the day...
I'd love to know what I missed on AA... I wonder if my old pal "Dopey" said nice things about me?
There's no such thing as bad publicity!
Nice of MPCSB to think of me tho'... When will I meet him I wonder?
God forbid if and when Jack and myself meet up in person the above applys- 2 grown men meeting in a bar for the first time.
" hello uncle Jack"
" nice to meet you cheeky monkey"
people would be thinking we had arranged to meet through a Gay contact magazine.
Tom - That Tweed you wore the other evening: MTM or bespoke? Also was it a local (Yorkshire) cloth?
The fit of the jacket & subtlety of the weave was like nothing I've seen readily available from any of the usual sources.
Very old school & very nice.
Hope all is well with you -
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-10-05 08:56:32)
Hello Howard,
Knaresborough is a town I know quite well, my Aunt used to live there I`m affraid, I don`t know who the manufacturer could possibly be I suspect it was probably a small weaving mill, as Knaresborough was and is more of a market town where traders would come to sell they`re wares rather than a large Mill town with a large manufacturing base.
the town is probably most famous now adays for Mother shipton - a local soothsayer and predictor of the future very much in the Nostradamus vein.
Her cave is famous for turning everyday objects into stone , in actuall fact what occours is that the limestone calciate in the water is so prelevant that a thin coating covering any object left under a slowly dripping water source occours giving the appearance of stone.
I`ve had some wonderfull summer days boating on the river there , one of the best features viewed from the river is a hunting lodge carved into the cliff face that was used by King John.
I`m affraid I`m not very familliar with Moxons cloth although if they are based near Huddersfield as Holmfirth is they probably specialise in a fine woven cloth many of the small manufacturers now specialise in this type of manufacturing, I know Wood Robinson in Brighouse (now sadly gone)
used to speciallise in the very finest Barathea.
Many Northern mill towns are now desolate places as a result in the closing of the woolen and cotton Mills that were the main source of employment.
However there are still wonderfull places which still exist, places Like my hometown of Harrogate.