1. By the mysterious hand of God Almighty, find one of the clothing fora and register. Be certain that your screename does not contain numbers. Numerals in screenames and interweb celebrity do not well mix.
Do you think, it's better to have a real sounded name as Roberto, or Johnny J., or 1 like, Trad Lover or, Kiton Killa ?
Step 2, something to the effect of, when proven wrong, argue even harder for your point, haughtily telling your detractors they are simply too unrefined to realize the error of their ways.
Step 3: Pad your post count by any ostensibly legitimate means. A high post count gives you the appearance of credibility and an aura of invincibility.
Publish a book; or a CD encyclopedia also works.
One key step is to insist on wearing dress shirt, tie, and jacket at all times and for all occasions.
This includes trips to the garden centre, barber, shop floor, and during conjugal interactions.
In other words, DO NOT vary your wardrobe depending on your activities, workplace, or weather conditions.
Last edited by Viscount Tangent (2007-07-03 10:43:03)
Don't forget to bring your slide rule, so you can check your tailor's proportional measurements to ensure he gets the right ratio of sleeve length to collar height to natural waistline...
Start threads with titles such as, "A Gentleman Always...." or "A Gentleman Always Owns..."
Last edited by Viscount Tangent (2007-07-03 19:17:49)
An internet gentleman should ALWAYS have his suits with a nipped in waste, despite whether it suits you or not.