Haven't been here for a while. Internet gentlemen is a humorous thought.
Internet gentlemen,
I notice that my ties take a lot of damage. I seem to get a pull or a stain on them on regular bases. I wanted to know you experiences with ties and their longevity. I recently bought a tie that I didn't notice came with a pull in it. I did not bother to return it because I realized I would put one in the tie myself within a month. Another tie I ate a vigorous meal wearing. I actually thought I had escaped the four courser scott free, only to realize when I removed it that I had splattered it with something greasy.
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-08-07 10:22:09)
I remember dining at the Savoy alone, around 1985. I flew in with no luggage. Went out a shop and bought a shirt, tie, and blazer. Must of looked bad. Ordered a very great bottle of wine and great meal. Went off to the Jacks. THe waiter followed me. I thought he might've thought I was trying to skip off on the bill, as I don't think legendary English service extends to a toilet escort.
I only ruin ties when I don't want to. Lately Ive been putting some ties through rigors in order to review them and I cant snag or stain them no matter how careless I am.
Ties are basically disposable. As soon as you buy one, imagine it has zero vlue and wear it without worrying, itll probably last forever that way and you will appear more stylish than someone who has tie anxiety.
Tie Anxiety with Mel Brooks?
(I spell out other people's jokes)
Fly anxiety is worse.