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#1 2007-09-19 09:47:09

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

The Never Ending Ramble...

A place for those with something to say...

Today I took delivery of a new RTL watchstrap (Their No. 2). I've noticed that the proper regimental stripes are in a proper heavy-duty nylon & the cute looking ones that just look nice and don't mean anything are not.

My wife called me a 'witless tit' over lunch. We were discussing current affairs.

I paid my gardener this afternoon and noticed that he has started to grown his sideburns longer. Is there a link between trimming my hedges and his own dear old sun-battered face? Topiary and all that...

When I picked my daughter up from school she smelled of curry. I used this as a conversational opening gambit. She told me that her lunch was none of my business. She is 6.


Do please say whatever you feel the need to here - This is your place as much as it is mine.

Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-09-20 00:58:39)

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#2 2007-09-19 10:27:26

Tony Ventresca
Posts: 5132

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...


#3 2007-09-19 10:31:10

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

met some old clients for lunch - some Piss taking of my new pink cashmere v-neck. and yheir perception of my sexuality.

I advised them " it takes a real man to carry off pink"

I think I`ll have the last laugh - If 2 of them find out I shagged their wives- not simultaneusly unfortunately- ah well hope springs eternal.

( hardly professional behaviour I know- but I did reduce their fees a little as some form of compensation)

... ... ...


#4 2007-09-19 10:53:45

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

I wish Jack hadn`t sublimally introduced the idea of curry into my mind- rather than the shepherds pie my wife was intent on presenting for dinner.

I now intend to phone the bengal spice- indian eatery to order-jal murgh lassandar- with pilau rice a peshwari naan and perhaps some boti tikka to start with an accompniment of onion and cucumber raita. and some kingfisher lager.

It will lead to a row- but - well you know , a mans got to do what a mans got to do.

... ... ...


#5 2007-09-19 10:55:09

Trad to the Bone
Posts: 175

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...


#6 2007-09-19 10:58:47

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Who used to say "More deviation, less population" in the 70's?

Obviously it wasn't The Pope, but it did seem quite Catholic in it's contraceptive message...

I'm going out tonight to eat Whitebait flown in from Bridport (I think). I want to drink Guinness with this. Am I an uncouth slob?

Shaving twice a day seems more than a man should have to do to stave off divorce. Do those who lack my self confidence have to shave more often than this? What Hell that must be...

... ... ...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#7 2007-09-19 11:02:59

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

I wish I was going for an Indian tonight...

But Mrs Sparrow does not think that Indian food is very lady-like. I wonder what that means?

... ... ...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#8 2007-09-19 15:08:17

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Not a lot on tomorrow - drop son at school- quick trip to see brother in law -in the next village - regarding a familly celebration-( more an excuse to have a few cups of tea and a chat about this and that, without the incessant disruption from the ladies) - home for a bite to eat  - and fill the afternoon as best I can- perhaps a trip to the local for a couple of halfs may be in the offing-we`ll see.

Biggest dillema at the moment is should I wear a vneck or crew neck pullover tomorrow.- I`ll probably decide once I gauge the weather conditions in the morning.

Curry was exceptional by the way.

shepards pie went in the dogs bowl- so at least someone appreciated my choice of curry for the evening meal.

... ... ...


#9 2007-09-19 17:12:46

Posts: 6433

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#10 2007-09-19 20:05:21

From: Burlington, ON
Posts: 1499

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...


#11 2007-09-19 21:42:10

Voltaire's Bastard
Posts: 967

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

“You know that saying, 'Caesar's wife is above suspicion'? Well I put an end to all that rubbish!"..”


#12 2007-09-20 00:20:44

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

you could allmost go as far as saying bit of a" bummer" really

... ... ...


#13 2007-09-20 00:57:04

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-09-20 01:19:34)

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#14 2007-09-20 02:43:04

Moose Maclennan
Ivy Inspiration
From: Hernando's Hideaway
Posts: 4577

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...


#15 2007-09-20 03:15:13

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#16 2007-09-20 06:42:56

Posts: 6433

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#17 2007-09-20 06:44:20

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

News alert -I`ve just been speaking to Gabriel Kinghorne- (some say he is the village soothsayer)- who  has informed me -that In Britain we are due a long- cold - bitter winter.

Apparently this is due to the fact that the cummulous clouds are forming in circular patterns over Far Worthing  Farm. which itself is situated on ancient ley lines -if the clouds form initially in a clockwise formation it is to be mild- however if they form in an anti-clockwise direction -the prediction is for cold weather drifting in from the east.

So there you go chaps - out with the woolies , overcoats, hats and scarves.

... ... ...


#18 2007-09-20 08:22:20

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

H. - Try 'Success' too. Ugly & real & set in London.


"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#19 2007-09-20 08:46:31

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Why has the hair up my nose turned white before anywhere else?

Am I ageing from within?


"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#20 2007-09-20 09:01:21

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Uncle have you been to see- cousin charlie again-and been playing with the foo foo dust.

... ... ...


#21 2007-09-20 09:12:02

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#22 2007-09-20 09:15:20

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

The boiler man has just left and I notice that he drank the tea provided but left the (perfectly nice) biscuits...

I hope he did not think that I was offering him a homosexual bribe.

How do you treat your tradesmen?

I'm worried that I might end up on a blacklist.

... ... ... ...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#23 2007-09-20 10:53:26

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Surely dogs must find it a nuisance having to pee like that?

I'd fall over.

... ... ...  ...

"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#24 2007-09-20 11:00:32

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-09-20 11:16:34)

... ... ...


#25 2007-09-20 14:37:20

Cheeky Monkey
Posts: 1273

Re: The Never Ending Ramble...

well it`s 9.30 pm here in England - children are bathed and put to bed with an enjoyable and happy ending story.
wife is happily sat before an open fire reading one of her "ladies magazines"

I think I may go out for an evening stroll - to the far end of the village- and partake in a touch of voyeristic dogging. ( I would take the dog but he doesn`t like the rain)- I often watch but never join in -you just never know where some of these people have been and they often smell of pot noodles or stale biscuits.

I shall be venturing out in my "old reliable" and deerstalker hat.

... ... ...


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