I had coddled eggs for lunch- delicious-they are difficult to get just right- but my lovely wife is a bit of a whizz-at them (amongst other things)
I must remember to give her a gift for being so sweet-perhaps a pearl necklace would be appropriate.
I bow down to your superior inteligence- my good man - yes fuck the lot of them -I say.
The anniversary of my old Pa's death today & oddly I'm thinking about when I had to choose his final outfit to be buried in. Quite a bitter-sweet memory obviously, but more happy than sad as time passes by.
Has any other forum member had to do this job?
There's something very moving and personal about just the simple act of choosing clothes for somebody in this way and it was literally the last thing I ever did for him - I was not tall enough to shoulder the coffin & couldn't read the eulogy I'd written as my mother needed me by her side more (My brother delivered it instead & did a much better job of it than I ever could).
It's odd the power that things like clothes can have - 'Touchstones & Tallismans' and all that. For some reason picking the shoes knowing he'd never walk in them again was the most affecting thing - Odd the little things that can really bring things home to you, eh?
(Blimey, that was almost a 'my sainted father' post, wasn't it? ... I'll have to watch that...)
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-09-22 02:23:57)
Uncle Jack- I logged on with the intent of posting my usually flipancy- after reading your poignant post above- I have decided as a tribute to your dear old Pa-I shall not be posting for the remainder of the day.
Very best wishes.
That is very co-incidental because I was only just watching a clip someone had recommended to me of Craig Ferguson's mini-eulogy for his own father, a day or so after the latter had died:
Last edited by Gomez (2007-09-22 10:11:04)
FLT22 = Farting Loudly Trad, too-toot?
I`ve allways wanted to visit lesbania-I understand it is very scenic-anyone ever been- maybe for a day trip -maybe for a fortnight?
reminds me of a line my old house master once used on me.
Mr. Jones- " CM - If you woke up one morning -with grass stains on your knees- and a condom hanging from your bottom - would you tell anybody"
CM "no Sir"
Mr.Jones-" would you like to come camping -with me"
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-09-23 08:38:42)
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-09-23 08:50:39)
well it`s going to be a trip to the barbers today.
sometimes I think - I should ask him to do something a little more contemporary with my barnet -but I allways sit down in the chair- and allways ask for the same- short back and sides and a little thinning out please -Markus.
He allways says the same thing at the end of the process - "anything for the weekend sir" - even if it`s not the weekend.- I once asked for a nubile blonde - but I think He must have heard lame jokes like this before- because he only smiled politley
I suppose at 40 I`m pretty fortunate - no signs of hair loss at this stage- althougth baldness doesn`t run in the familly on either the maternal or paternal side- so not really unexpected-the greying however is a diffrent story.
I really dislike all those little hairs falling down the inside of my shirt collar- very itchy.
how the franciscan friars went on with their hairshirts - Ill never know.