I`ve spent the afternoon sorting out my CD collection- and it occurs to me that Neil Diamond is a much underrated artist- on this side of the Atlantic - I don`t know how he is percieved on the other side- but he did some cracking tunes.
I think I like- forever in blue jeans- and sweet caroline best.
I`ve just noticed uncle Jack has changed his photograph- doesn`t he look just like Steve Mcqueen- infact the resemblance is uncanny.
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2007-09-25 22:08:31)
Whilst sorting out the old CD collection I also came across this little beauty from an 80`s compillation disk.
It`s a song about masturbation you know- imagine that funny face you pull at the moment of climax - all slitty eyed and what not-if you cant envisage it yourself - ask your wife- or look in the mirror next time you are knocking one out-the song will then make perfect sense.
I know I looked in the mirror and it was like an epiphany- a drawing back of the veil-like reaching enlightenment.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-09-25 09:59:00)
Last edited by Voltaire's Bastard (2007-09-25 10:10:07)
following on with the masturbation theme-
Chuck Berry- my ding a ling
The Buzzcocks-Orgasm addict
The Who - Pictures of Lilly
Billy Idol- Dancing with myself
Elvis Costello- Pump it up
Get it now- AAAC - compilation CD for the special price of $19.99 -music to dress trad to.
Ooooh you are awful - But I like you!
Last time I saw that recruiting sargent - he was arm deep in a cow - not in a sexual way- he wasn`t fisting it or anything- the cow was giving birth.
All this rood stuff is going way over my head.
Now all we need is Larry and John...
Last edited by jack_sparrow (2007-09-26 03:30:41)
one forgets - how funny Larry Gration was.
amazing how many camp people there was about in those days.
Dick Emery- Russell Harty-John Inman well maybe 4 although I`m sure there are others - who was the fat yank who lost a considerable amount of weight and became a celebrity- Richard someone or other.
(She is a woman, btw)
But enough of all this.
Just know that you are not alone out there all you SF-ers and AndyBoys.
Your Uncle -
Only a PS -
And now the last post:
Clock the diaries?
"..." all over the shop.
It is cold in the hills tonight - and a frost is predicted the first of the the autumn for these parts.
I`ve dug out my old Dales of Norway sweater-and once again- as every year -I am amazed at the weight of it- who knew wool could be so heavy?
A traditional pattern in dark red with cream ,black and french blue detailing.
Anyone living in an area where the temperature drops - needs a sweater by this company.
the chicks dig it - which is an added bonus.
blue jeans- rugged boots -dale sweater- good to go.
Very nice.
How do you layer that CM?
I go (working from the outside in) Norwegian, OCBD, White T #1, White T #2.
It's that or Damart thermals round my way.
generally it`s any shirt that comes to hand-be it spread collar -button down tattersall or unpatterned- the norwegian sweater I own has a very high neck with a zipper so the garment underneath isn`t particually seen.
I do own a couple of t-shirts but very infrequently wear them.
I much prefer a traditional vest - to a t-shirt when it`s vey cold -( I don`t know what the american interpretation for a vest would be- what you call a vest we call a waistcoat-Mr. shooman would know a vest as a singlet)
not at all keen on string vests though.
Those string Y-Fronts were worse...