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#1 2007-09-25 06:55:10

Alex Roest
From: The Hague, The Netherlands
Posts: 2165


Hello all,

I've finally written a follow-up to "The Boutique as a Sartorial Temple" which is called "Sportswear and its Merits" incidentally. I'm in the process of finishing the article now and I would like to ask for some assistance, since I need a pic of a classic sportsjacket for it. I know there are some excellent ads to be found on here that would very likely be very suitable. Anyway, I was hoping to save some time that I could use to write some more lines, so if someone could point me in the right direction that would be very much appreciated. TIA,



#2 2007-09-25 07:37:49

From: My Corduroy Armchair...
Posts: 1506

Re: Sportsjacket

Very good news Mr. R. -

You keep writing & we'll sort the pic. I'll put together a gallery of options for you.

Looking forward to your latest,


"However, it is we of the moderator corps that
ended up handling the hundreds of Post Reports your previous - and
legendary - trolling managed to generate."


#3 2007-09-25 07:45:42

Alex Roest
From: The Hague, The Netherlands
Posts: 2165

Re: Sportsjacket

Ah, cheers David.... where would I be without you ;-) I was hoping for a response like that really. Anyway, it's not exactly helping that I have to do the bloody thing from work. Typing the handwritten version is a pain in itself, noisy colleagues and my actual job to be done of course.....haha

As said, most of it is done. Have found some good pics of modern stuff already, just need to elaborate on a few things. Think you'll like it,



#4 2007-10-02 07:27:04

Alex Roest
From: The Hague, The Netherlands
Posts: 2165

Re: Sportsjacket

On a related note I just found this :

Any thoughts ? Not something I'd personally wear, but it's the idea that counts......

edit : my essay will be about the symbiosis of classic- and sportsgear to be a bit more precise.

Last edited by Alex Roest (2007-10-02 07:37:01)


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