Preferably boots that can be worn with wool trousers?
I can't find any.
Please feel free to let me know if you have found some so I can cop a pair for the winter.
Thanks bastards,
Good-looking, of course, is in the eye of the beholder...
Maybe I'm just looking for water-resistant
These look great but I have two concerns.
First, they're rubber. Yes, there is a leather lining (which is very nifty) but they are rubber (or some similar material) on the outside. By the end of a long day at the office, my feet would probably be sweating buckets. the eye of the beholder indeed, haha. Paul Bremer wore construction boots with navy suits while he's f*cked around in his capacity as quasi-interim-president of Iraq, and it looked great, but only because he was, like, ducking machine gun fire and landmines and sh!t in the desert. I don't know if rolling up to a meeting with French galoshes like these would cut it!
They certainly have an appeal though. I'm intruiged.
Marc, btw: you know a hell of a lot about every obscure outdoorsy outfitter under the sun. Do you camp and go hunting every weekend? Is it bespoke shirts and suits by day and rugged Filson coats and shotguns by night? Haha just kidding. Or not? :0 :0 :0 :0
If you have large feet (And, who among us wouldn't want large feet?), you can get the Nairobi at a discount...
Bull, on the lower end of the sartorial and price scale, I just ordered these basic waterproof shoes from Sierra Trading that might do the trick for you...,96536_Dunham-Oxford-Shoes-Waterproof-For-Men.html
I retired my pair of old Timberlands, and wouldn't advise a new pair, from what I've seen, save maybe that light colored pair (still?) made in the USA?
Bean Boots are probably out for your purposes.
Were I in the market, I might go with Alden boots. I'm not sure which model, but maybe something in cordo with a leather/commando double sole.
These look quite professional:
I don`t know how country you wish to go but these may be worth a look.
or do an internet search of veldtshoen constructed boots
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-09-27 07:48:03)
I'd go to Kielman in Warsaw and have them custom made.
Just received the Dunham waterproof shoes from Sierra Trading I posted about earlier. Really not bad-looking at all and at the price, it's a no-brainer. Wish I had known about them earlier as they would have saved several other expensive shoes from getting water-logged.
I am in Connecticut. During the winter when the streets are wet with snow, a few old preppies wear LL Bean boots. To work, into the courthouse, into the courtroom. It is winter in New England. you wear LL Bean boots. you don't care what people think. This is what you did when you were at prep school. Not many people do this. But a few people do this.