I use it because my father used it - I went through a period in my teens of using hair gell-but since my 20`s resorted back to using this stuff.
I use the brylcreem in the red pot- the blue pot is for people who have dandruff.
keep a pot on the bedside table- and it brings a whole new meaning to their catch phrase - A little dab will do ya- hell I`ve gone through a pot in a single night- but that`s just the kind of guy I am.
How do you find it affects your shirt collars?
no real issue with shirt collars as I wear my hair- sbs-sometimes with an upturned coat collar there is an issue.- what can one do about such things -other than accept the inevitable?
Granny used to have anti maccasars on her furniture - to protect it from products like brylcreem - macassar oil- and bay rum hair tonic.
Ahhhh - I see.
I wondered if it didn't kinda 'melt' during the day & run down your neck. Obviously not.
A little dab'll do ya".
Michael - you are quite right I should concentrate more on the clothes here- I get above myself- in my desire to share.
didn`t see that coming did you?
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2007-09-28 06:50:38)
Used to use Brylcreem, when I still had hair.
Brother Moose is back home!
How was the Trip, M.?
You should do something on the symbolism of the kilt one day... I wrote a little about the meanings of regimental ties not too long ago and I bet there are many hidden meanings in the colours of tartans which tie them to their Clans & locations.
I'd love to know more.
My hair is too short to make use of any such product. Was a time with longer hair that I used a little gel, but that's many years ago -- cannot remember the product's name, but it came in a bottle rather than tub or tube.