I've read on various forums that stretching patent leather opera pumps is futile (via either a wooden stretcher or the "stretching fluid" that comes in the red bottle, or a combo of both). Is this correct? Anyone with experience? I'm just getting around to try out a pair of Churchs (via Brooks) formal shoes I bought months ago and I'm finding them slightly tight on the vamp. But I'm afraid the next 1/2 size up is a bit loose.
If I think I can get these to a comfortable state, I'll keep them, since the price (about US$100) was certainly right.
Any merit to the claim that patent leather shoes are difficult or impossible or not advisable to stretch?
Cheerios chums.
What about layering up on sox?
Horace, keep us posted. I bought the same shoe (did you get the squared-off bow, or the bow-like bow, for lack of better description?*) and have the same problem, just a bit tight over the top of my foot. Probably a night of "sweaty-foot" dancing, to borrow from Mr. Sparrow, would stretch them fine, but I'm worried that ten minutes will be too much. And these aren't exactly shoes one wears often.
*I thought I was ordering the squared-off bow, but ended up with the bow-like bow, which I much prefer.
I have a pair of Bowhill & Elliott patent opera pumps that were a bit snug by the little toe. I emailed the maker and they advised that stretching is possible. I took them to the local cobbler (I have a very good one, fortunately) and the job was done.
l've found that my Church opera pumps have become more comfortable over time. At first they hurt like f**k, but after a while they get more comfy old son. DON'T stretch `em. The vasaoline method seems intriguing.
l bought mine about 7 - 8 years ago, and they were $495.00 (438 U.S) ASD at the time. You are lucky to get such great bargains in the U.S old Horace. l'm sooo annoyed at how you chaps get the good deals; everything is so expensive in Australia.
The Church's `Corruna' model is a real classic pump (been discontinued for years now). lt's a beauty m8! lt's everything l dreamed an opera pump to be....ever since a young boy l dreamed of a pump like that. Forget all the fancy bows and sh*t, give me the Church Corruna 80 last opera pump and i'm a very very happy man. The Church `corunna' is how an opera pump should be!!!
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-01 09:59:55)
Every now and again l wear opera pumps instead of slippers.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-01 10:03:02)