I`m not really thinking of the type of waistcoat that you would wear under a tweed jacket or suit , more like the Barbour westmoreland, the type that you would wear over a shirt or jumper.I have a diamond quilt waistcoat from barbour as well as the westmoreland wax ( imagine a wax jacket without sleeves)
I also have a Swanndri merino wool waistcoat from New Zealand that is very warm and comfortable.
I think these are a fogey staple.
Anyone else wear one?
Tom good start.
at one time I had the barbour wax waistcoat- wore it to death it litterally disintegrated around my body.
I have a few of these waistcoats. one is a P.G. Field from the Edinburgh woolen mill it`s a wax waistcoat with a cordouroy collar and quilted -I think this is they`re own brand -I`ve never seen pg field anywhere but there.
I also have a waistcoat by Aigle- imagine a puffa jacket with the sleeves cut off.
I find all this type of thing fantasticly usefull-providing it isn`t raining.
and yes I think they are country fogey.
I have a zip-front fleece vest (dark brown with light brown piping) with the Devil's Glen logo on it, which serves the same purpose, I think, but is not really the same sort of thing style-wise.
I do wear a fishing vest on occasion, when I need the pockets (good with the kilt too instead of a sporran when out walking).
Moose do you wear the kilt often, for those entitled to wear one I think there is nothing more fogey, to wear it in the same manner that us sasanachs pull on a pair of moleskin trousers.
ie. as everyday wear rather than just for weddings and other such special occasions.
As well as Doug ,Wayfarer is quite an expert on Highland wear, and quite a fogey at heart.
I wish I could remember his name , but there was the Guy from Monarch of the Glen ,who allways wore his kilt with a leather jacket and combat boots, I allways thought he looked pretty cool.
What a fantastic program Monarch of the Glen was by the way. I thought Richard Briars was superb in the earlier series.
Last edited by TB-D (2007-10-04 13:29:30)
Moose if that is you in the photograph, and I assume it is, you need no advice from me about fogey my friend.
spectacular. well done you carry off daywear highland dress very well.
Where on the continent are you?
I read an intresting article in last weeks country life, about boar hunting in France?
Last edited by TB-D (2007-10-04 14:06:45)
Thank you... but I do suspect the surroundings contribute more than just a bit to the impression (this is not one of the rooms in my modest house, sadly).
I live on the Danish-German border, in a very rum town
I heed your words regarding highland dress.
ironic isn`t it that the Victorian English started repopularising the tartan, after banning it after the 1745 uprising and the highland clearances.
Us English just wanted it for ourselves, perhaps the tartan weavers in scotland got together to spread the rumour about having to have Scottish Blood to wear the kilt.
Hard lines by the way regarding the Scottish rugby teams knock out at the world cup.
Somehow I suspect England will be on the plane home after playing Australia on Saturday. So no gloating from this sassanch ,I`ll keep my fingers crossed anyway.