(The French Ivy League Style explosion of '62-'67)
I'm in Paris all week after this week without a computer so if you want to add to my list of questions to ask over there then please PM or ask on this thread & I'll hit them & report back.
I'll also do some kind of 'Mr. Sparrow's Paris' on my return too... It'll be quirky.
Oh AK - Look at the quality that your chat room is destined never to have. If only you could get a better quality of poster...
could be for a cool reception over there next week Uncle- depending on what happens tonight in the rugby world cup when England meet France in the Semi Final.
Yeah - I hang around with a lot of Rugby guys over there... Always talking about their semis...
do they get a semi in the locker-room?
Thanks to all for their PMs - All questions will be answered on my return - If I have enough I'll do a thread, if not I'll just PM.
It was a great stylistic movement and one which I don't think you ever hear about in detail anywhere else but here.
Odd that.