At Styleforum, everybody seems to be gaga over these shoes that are red, green and purple. Back before my lovely retirement, I would have laughed anybody out the door who came in wearing these crayola colors.
Your thoughts?
I don't know about the SF types, but I really like the dark olive Carmina shells. Electric blue etc. is not for me.
I admit that I am too conservative in my footwear to even consider wearing those sorts of colours.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-17 01:46:57)
GSĀ“ Budapester is a very substantial shoe and it is dark blue.
It all depends on the shade. Not a fan of this french colourings like Berluti, Corthay, Guyot and such.
This thread must be a little like that proverbial exploding cigar...
For business purposes, unless the man is in high fashion like that assistant in "Ugly Betty", no. But same goes for shoes without laces or those awful light brown/tan shoes. One of the worst offenders are dainty, poor quality slip ons.
For casual, i am a lot more open and if the shoe is done nicely and goes with the outfit I can live with a variety of colors and shades; navy blue calf or suede being the most likely to elicit positive results, maybe a jaguar green suede.
Shoes lighter than E. Greens Antique Chestnut, should never be worn under any circumstances.
thanks TwinSix.
I like colored shoes but not the really bright ones that are often shown on SF that illicits hardons. I've seen great looking olive shoes and purple shoes that have the color as a ruboff look rather than being solid ____.
intensely colored shoes remind me of pimp-wear, to be worn with 6+ button jackets
It would be difficult to take a man with colored shoes seriously in a business setting...
I would imagine that the offending wearer of bright yellow shoes would take whatever money was given him and skip out to Mexico for some unspecified elective surgery. Or perhaps I would mistake a man wearing colored shoes for a pimp.
Ken, I have seen far worse on that thread.
Now, these are interesting. Im not sure where I would use them yet but it's rare that a built in patina could exist like this and gain some acceptance.
Along with "colored" shoes whether bright blue, green, purple, grey, light (poop) brown, yellow or orange are those high lace up cap toe boots which seem to be all the rage around certain neighborhoods. I can understand a chukka or a chelsea but even in black, these boots seem like a bench made salute to the Doc Marten which I would accept with jeans or a black leather coat but not with a suit.. When made up in light shades of brown the result is...well it's...oh, what's the word?
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-17 14:17:41)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-17 14:43:17)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2007-10-18 00:29:26)