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#1 2021-10-15 03:02:31

A Fine Sadness
Posts: 3009

Ivy From The Golden Age: Nortex

The purchasing of this jacket - cotton and rayon if memory serves me well (which it increasingly isn't) - almost sent me into a panic.  Just how many expensive, USA-import cock-ups would I have to make before coming to my senses?  Even Catalina and Derby jackets (and their like) came to seem wrong on a middle-aged male.  I finally had a - what's the word? - epiphany? - anyway, a moment of truth (quite likely more than one) when I saw a Burberrys' trenchcoat hung on a peg at 2 Russell Street.  I'd already owned a couple of these and thought: well, why not?  (Went for the more subtle chocolate brown with slight sheen fly-fronted, which I'm still wearing). 
My take on the 'Golden Age' was all to cock really. 
I began looking at old footage of Talking Heads from around 1977/78 and wishing I'd had the self-possession/knowledge to wear polo shirts instead of - well, whatever crap I did wear until reading about Brooks Brothers. 
Nor would I ever wear a G9 again, even if did have the coveted metal zipper.  Too old. 
Anyone else bought 'Golden Age' and wished they hadn't?


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