I wore a tie yesterday in a lime green with small woven penguins on it. When a pretty girl said to me in a store, you realize you have penguins on your tie? I replied that when I sarted out there had been fish there as well but theyd been eaten. I got her number out of it.
Feel free to share any fun clothing stories.
And now, before I go, I believe we have time for my favorite penguin joke:
A policeman sees a man driving down the street with three penguins in the back seat of his car. The policeman stops him, and the man, seeing the quizzical look on the policeman's face, explains that he found the penguins just standing by the side of the road. The policeman says, "I think you'd better take those penguins to the zoo."
The man exclaims "That's a geat idea!" and drives off.
Next day, the policeman sees the same man drive by with the same three penguins in his back seat, only this time the penguins are wearing sunglasses. The policeman stops him again and, gearing up for a fight, says, "Hey, buddy, I told you to take those penguins to the zoo." The man says, "I did. Today we're going to the beach."
A young Penguin is driving through Arizona on a hot summer's day when his oil light comes on. He gets out of the car and sees it is leaking oil all over the road.
The Penguin drives to a service station and asks a mechanic to take a look. The mechanic says he has a few other jobs to do 1st, but if the penguin comes back in an hour, he'll know what's wrong.
The penguin agrees and goes for a walk.
He Finds an icecream shop and decides a big bowl of ice cream would really hit the spot...Of course he has no hands, so it's rather messy. By the time he's done he's got icecream all over his flippers and his mouth is a total mess.
He walks back to the service station and asks the mechanic, "Did you find what's wrong?"
The mechanic replies "it looks like you've blown a seal"
"No , no," says the penguin. "it's just ice cream"