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#1 2022-05-28 07:56:12

Posts: 17

some wear cotton sock in summer

Some wear cotton sock in summer, and in summer some feet sweats.



#2 2022-06-14 00:02:54

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

I have given this a lot of thought.  Every time i buy new socks i wonder the
Point of the offerings, in cotton.  Perhaps a blend not yet achieved is in order?

Perhaps more trad is the ragg wool for the breathability.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#3 2022-06-14 11:54:26

Film Noir Buff
Dandy Nightmare
From: Devil's Island
Posts: 9345

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Depends what the footwear is. These days with suits and jackets, more sneakers are worn; and dressy cotton socks of an appropriate weight and opaqueness can be comfortable with sneakers. However, cotton socks are uncomfortable with leather dress shoes. And if you have sweaty feet to begin with (like I do), they're a disaster.


#4 2022-06-17 20:45:55

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Yes, cotton socks are uncomfortable compared with wool/silk socks. In summer the linen socks are the best way to go. The problem with linen is that there are no interesting patterns available, so on some warmer days (not hot days) l will compromise and wear a cotton sock, but the sock will be stunning with beautiful patterns. See...this is the big thing, sometimes wool and linen must be passed over for beautiful patterns that cotton socks have. Socks (sox) aren't perfect, often a compromise has to be made.

It is very important to get socks right. Most men fail to do this.


#5 2022-06-18 15:43:15

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

the best all cotton sock I've tried is the Falke fil d'ecosse -- I know it's old codger but I like the over the calf length.  If one is going to wear socks, it doesn't do to be half skin, half sock.   I also liked the cotton sock (in blue and light grey) from whatever maker was making for J. Press.  Looks like they switched makers in past few years.  Don't know about the new ones.  The old Dore Dore made in France cotton socks were great too.  I think the French factory closed about a decade ago, and now they're made in Italy.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#6 2022-06-19 16:19:59

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

I have heard good things about Falke but have always avoided them because of the high poly count. Yes, over the calf socks are mandatory. 

I've worn Bresciani and others, but l never really understood what socks were really about until I wore the Gallo `tailoring line' socks. While Bresciani and others are decent covers for the feet, the Gallo (top line) are extraordinary works of art that display the highest art of hosiery making. I buy two different types, the 100% wools and the 100% cotton stripes that are STUNNING. Prefer all natural fibers if l can get it. They are costly, but sometimes a treat needs to be had for the feet, especially on nice sunny days when our mood is very jovial. I wear these sox with extraordinary  stunning trousers and with brilliant handmade shoos.   

Here are the cottons l always go for in different colours:

I also like these argyles sold by Kabbaz. They are not in the league of Gallo `tailoring line', but they are decent for a bloke like me who sometimes settles for a lesser sock than he really deserves.

I also wear Viccel, but it is not a traditional sock house, and it shows. Sometimes the socks are wonderful, other times they are inconsistent. I like their silk/wool offerings the best, but l also do some cotton on a nice Spring or Autumn day.

For Winter the Corgi 2/4 silk/cashmere/wools are the order of the season. I also do the made-in-England rare alpaca socks too.

It pays to have great socks.


#7 2022-06-20 00:03:43

Posts: 2740

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Falke, Shooey, are not all they're cracked up to be - and don't stay the distance.


#8 2022-06-20 05:43:31

Posts: 2740

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Gallo sound very nice indeed.  Reassuringly expensive.
Falke are simply not worth the money.  They tear after a number of wearings/washings.  Only my Argyle have stood the test of time and they're now thinning.
Shooey is correct to draw these names to our attention.


#9 2022-06-20 08:09:32

Posts: 2269

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

A few years ago I was travelling around Germany on holiday. We had booked a B & B in Schmallenberg and as we approached the town we saw the Falke factory. Later we found out that there was a factory outlet shop on the other side of town. We 'filled our boots' with various Falke socks.
I had previously only bought Falke running socks and 20 years ago , for me they were the best. I have to agree with AFS that today the Falke socks are nothing special. A while back I bought another pair of running socks over the internet and they were quite poor quality and didn't last long.

'I am a closet optimist' Leonard Cohen.


#10 2022-06-21 00:17:03

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Chums.  Sad to see no love for Falkery. 

The Bristol in wool over the calf.  Superlative!  Cannot believe reports to
The contrary!

The cotton “airport??  model not so good.   

The other cotton I mentioned above perhaps doesn’t
Hold up like others (esp the old Press and Dore) but nice

I’m not looking for long term value in Sox.  Only shoos.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#11 2022-06-21 00:18:06

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Shooma — do you get the socks from Kabbie direct?  How is the old’s been a decade or (almost) two!

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#12 2022-06-21 00:30:14

Posts: 2740

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

I stocked up with Falke, Burlington and Pantherella late summer last year.  Smaller sizes were £5 a pair.


#13 2022-06-21 02:08:45

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer


Socks are really about pleasure, not so much about value.

Kabbaz is o.k, but he's still an old bugger. He'd be getting up in years now.

AFS: how do you find the Burlington sox? I understand they are excellent.


#14 2022-06-21 02:11:39

Posts: 2740

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

^ The older I get, the more I agree with Shooey on the pleasure principle.


#15 2022-06-21 02:14:27

Posts: 2740

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Shooey, aside from that annoying little metal badge they're not half bad (though I think they were once better - wasn't everything?).  In fact, I wish I'd bought many more pairs at the time but I had to be elsewhere...


#16 2022-06-23 05:30:32

Posts: 17

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Thanks you for conversation. I like alpaca socks but, vicuna sock is nice too!

alpaca sock


#17 2022-06-23 06:02:09

West Indian Limes
Posts: 50

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Thinkin`about changing my nick to "linensock".
Them feel incredibly airy in summer.
Just my 2 cents ...


#18 2022-06-23 06:10:43

Posts: 17

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

These socks, last me long time although the merino sock, is too dense for abirritation.

alpaca sock


#19 2022-12-13 01:24:22

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Old Horace said:

"Shooma — do you get the socks from Kabbie direct?  How is the old’s been a decade or (almost) two!"

I say:

Poor old Kabbaz passed away in July 2022 (only weeks after you asking about him). He was only 72.

He had a wonderful sock shop.

Last edited by The_Shooman (2022-12-13 01:25:06)


#20 2022-12-21 19:40:01

Posts: 17

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

His suits were cheesy, but his life was interesting. I wish him, much disco dancing in heaven.

alpaca sock

Last edited by alpacasock (2022-12-21 19:40:41)


#21 2023-01-14 00:20:33

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Sorry to hear about old Kabs.  He was sui generis.  And if memory serves among the reasons this forum started.

What of his partner Andy?  Is he still compos mentis?
There was some question about this previously I suppose.

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#22 2023-01-14 00:21:34

Posts: 6436

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Alpaca — have you tried the vicuña boxer shorts or, tee-tops?

""This is probably the last Deb season...because of the stock market, the economy, Everything..." - W. Stillman.


#23 2023-01-14 00:33:34

Peak and Pine
Posts: 18

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Andy is still around, but the Asking part, not so much.


#24 2023-01-29 18:00:45

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

I find there are few things better than an impeccably stocked and organised sock draw. Took decades to learn it and appreciate it, but if one puts in the work to acquire all the quality socks in all different colours and designs and materials, and if it is all presented in a showcase way, it is so therapeutic and relaxing. I love going to my sock draw every day for selecting a pair, and l love organising my draw. If you haven't done it, it is well worth a try. I have about 70 in the rotation at any one time, but it gives me enough choices to be really happy. I have silk/wools, linens, alpaca, cottons, thicker sox for winter etc.


#25 2023-08-29 02:09:05

A pretty face
Posts: 13198

Re: some wear cotton sock in summer

Bought some Corgi sox that were 65% cashmere and over the calf. What a disappointment. The top of the sox stretched after 10 seconds and they fell down to near my ankles after a few steps. The sox slightly resemble cashmere, but they feel rough under the foot because of the knit pattern. Will not be buying those again. I also got the wellington boot sox by Corgi, those are extra long and made from 70% Merino Wool, 10% Cashmere, 10% Silk, 10% Cotton; those are great, and l have stocked up on many pairs.

Gonna stock up on a truckload of kabbaz Bresciani sox soon and hopefully order another pile of Bresciani through my local shoo dealer.  Can never have enough good sox.

Would be good to get half a dozen of these for winter nights at home by the fire, but those prices are pretty eye watering.

Would also like to try these sox, the world's best pair, but ridiculously expensive. It is supposed to be hard wearing, and it is tempting to be silly just once, but still....

Lots of good sox around, would be nice to own them all wouldn't it.


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