Excuse my ignorance, but what does a female "Eucharistic minister" do in the Roman Catholic Church? Until this moment, I would have assumed that a "Eucharistic minister" in the RC Church was what we commonly call a priest (or maybe a bishop), the only ministers authorized to celebrate the Holy Eucharist (aka Mass) in the RC Church. Last I heard, these holy orders were still limited to the male sex. So what gives here?
Eucharistic ministers of either sex have been the norm here (Southern Ontario) for many years. They merely distribute communion -- you still need a priest to consecrate it.
However, the future of RC ceremony here in NorAm likely lies with the laity (try to say that last clause 10 times fast). Some are welcoming this as a return to the practice of the early church, while others are disturbed by the dwindling of the clergy.