Well my schizophrenic ol' chum,
may I suggest in tribute to our 'arry, you award yourself a moniker equally fitting. Something like Donegal or Shetland.
Yrs in Christ,
I don't know (or care - sorry) if in realy life you are or not, but you could be 'Hairy'. No one's nicer or lighter than 'Airy. Just a thought.
Keeping with the Jack theme- I think Jack hawkins would suit you very well - dearest Uncle.
Jack B Nimble?
Jack IT Box?
Jack yer car?
Jack your body?
I'd Rather Jack?
Last edited by SubtleCool (2007-12-04 11:03:21)
Isn't the name Jack linked to "Jacking off"?
I'm not sure that that's nice....