There's something very seedy about the texture of that shirt.
I wonder if he is a ginger - perhaps this is his way of compensating?
You see if he was an upper or a lower - he would be accepting of his gingerness and have no need to compensate with the rollie and matching cuff links.
He is patently lower middle- ginger and hating himself.
hand + laptop + Rolex...perhaps this little montage is a parable of his sex life?
What about calling people by their last names: 'Hey Cooper how's it going?"
A wonderful write up of uppers behaving like uppers do.
When she and Mark married, she was 19, the daughter of the Eighth Marquess of Londonderry. Her father, who did not much care for Mark, was on his way to drinking himself to death, after his adored and exceptionally beautiful wife, Romaine, died of cancer at 47. In her fascinating memoirs Lady Annabel recalls Mark’s first Christmas at Wynyard Park, her family’s vast estate. “Mark remained quite calm one evening when Daddy persuaded the local vet’s daughter to remove her clothes and dance naked on the dining-room table while he drank champagne from one of her shoes, held impassively by Robert the butler.”
I think it was just the unease which the AAAT boys displayed at the idea of semi-public nudity which amused.
Not at all Patrician of them.
I frequently am nude. It's just the way I roll.