I've already posted an Etta James clip today & mused on the benefits of a drunk woman...
Shooey has mentioned Champagne.
Any other thoughts?
They don't have to be drunk. Actually sometimes it's better if they're not. I like them to remember all my hard work.
Tomorrow I shall fetch Mrs David a cuppa in bed & do the school run.
Then out for lunch while Porkpie is at school.
We always make cards for each other becasue the stuff in the shops is kinda naff.
I'm hoping for an early night...
I'm very fond of Mrs David.
I suspect that I'd have more fun with a drunken whore, but would the ironing be as good?
I'm no fool.
^ True, that.
Little discussed are the important differences between wives and girlfriends (and mistresses, come to that).
Wives start out as girlfriends but need to make the switch in roles well for things to really work out.
A girlfriend who behaved like a wife would never become a wife. And a wife who behaved like a girlfriend might not remain a wife for long.
In the same way it would be totally inappropriate for a husband to carry on in the same way he did whilst he was courting. Nothing would ever get done and the back seat of the car would be a disgrace.
I'm a stickler for decorum.
Last edited by eg (2008-02-14 14:40:56)
mike, are you no longer a furry cub?
Last edited by mike (2008-02-15 05:46:40)
Ummmmm - Do you now have slogans & mottos embelished on yourself?
Go faster stripes?
(I would!)
Best -
How soon before we see a shaved Mike?
You are young but you are wise.
Live long and prosper as they say on AAAC.
I was informed yesterday that Philipino women are mostly smooth, very minimal hair. I unfortunately cannot confirm this myself. As for men, fat ones look better with hair, thin ones look better without.
Who here has dragged a razor across their genitals?
I'm impatient for my thread here to be interesting...
Last edited by David (2008-02-15 09:02:50)
Uncle I shall put my hand up and confess to doing so-but very carefully- for those that do Mannuka honey - applied to your gonnads as a balm after doing so - is just the ticket.
Domminic does the same thing he taught me how- by the way- Uncle have you seen - what he is up to at AAAC?
"Simon's a computer, Simon has a brain, you either do what Simon says or else go down the drain."
I look forward to the AAAT "Trads" talking their lead from Leeds!
Indeed Simon is our legal eagle from Yorkshire- not quite the county Palantine but non the less - our Prince amongst thieves.
for those wishing to understand further - do a wikipedia search -on county palantine
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-02-16 02:13:25)