The other day, although this has also happened from time to time in the past, i caught a glimpse of myself, and an accidental one at that. I saw how nice the collar of my shirt was. How well cut it was. How it sat perfectly inside the lapels of my suit. It lasted no more than a second but I liked the way my collar looked. It looked better than anyone else's and that made me feel a little more special.
I don't look in the mirror much during the day past fixing myself up in the men's room. that's always face forwars and thus i a;lways see my clothes in the same way day after day. My glimpse of the cut of my collar was caught in a mirror like store window. it was a pleasant surprise, almost like admiring it for the first time again.
Well, as long as we're opening up, I do, on occasion, gaze admiringly at my clothes, marveling at the sheer technical achievement of transforming raw materials into a properly fitting jacket, shirt and shoe.
I have, on occasion, noticed how crappy my RTW clothes are, compared to those few very well-fitting bespoke (and sometimes MTM) pieces I have are.
As for passersby, the so-called "man on the street" might not know clothes, but he instinctively knows when clothes fit, in that they "look good."