For things you once knew, but have now forgotten.
Please would somebody remind me when J. Press closed in San Francisco?
Last edited by Russell_Street (2008-06-05 01:41:01)
lf memory serves me correctly, it would have been around 1983.
Regards: The Shooman (a casual trad)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-06-05 03:14:03)
Last edited by The_Shooman (2008-06-05 01:53:55)
Sorry to get off topic Russel. l won't do it again.
Yes, around then - Thank you Mr. Shooster.
I never knew when it opened & that info matters less to me.
Now where did I leave my glasses...
(... A famous quip of mine from college was that I never lost my virginity - I could still remember exactly where I put it. All a long time ago now...)
The Foster's 25 oz. tin cans make perfect companions on the evening GCT- to Greenwich commute.
Last edited by Admiral Cod (2008-06-06 21:25:31)