this thread is for my nefphew, who has given somuch to the mens clothing boars. i think it's time we all came togehter - trolls & squares & mods alike - to hold hands in common cauze and say thank you russel street.
thank u russel street!
-ungle gomie
The Mr. Street is one sexy guy. I wouldn't say so my self, but my uncle would.
He limps in Weejuns, like a Trad
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meets in his aspect and his eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which Heaven to gaudy day denies.
We too are fond of our most faithful subject, Russell.
Liz xxxxxx
Haven`t had much chance to post recently- (matrimonial problems-I knew I shouldn`t have let Grace have access to my account) but I can`t let a tribute thread to uncle Russel go without comment.
Hip hip hurray to my Uncle Russ - he brought me in from the cold - you know.
Thank you Mr Street. You light up my life.
You are ALL my nephews now!
Thanks chaps, I'm very touched. It's important to remember that I'm a scumbag though.
Fighting the good fight goes on, always remembering to have as much fun as possible along the way. Bridges are being built all over as we speak between SF, AAAT, Blogland & FNB. I remain limited to Trad/Ivy League, as that's all I know, but I do feel that together, each day, we are all of us weaving a mighty Tweed here. One for all men.
you are the light of my, life.
Toodle pip,