This was posted in the SF dumb threads section by someone named Teacher. I was given a heads up about it and went to check it out. He is known around these parts for a well developed sense of humor:
June 16th, 2008, 04:47 PM #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Grand Forks, ND, USA
Posts: 2,542 Where's Manton?
He hasn't been seen in these here parts of late. I've been wondering what's going on, so I think it's time to speculate:
It's entirely possible that he got into trouble with the Mafia. First off, his last name ends in a vowel (wink wink), and he's from the East Coast (I think). Maybe in his pursuit of getting a publishing deal, he asked a cousin's friend's brother-in-law's sanitation supervisor if he knew a guy. He didn't, but he knew a guy who knew a guy. Anyway, to make a long story short, that guy roughed up a few editors and publishing execs until they agreed to publish this guy's weird book on clothing. But now the venture has not made the million dollars that Manton agreed to pay this goombah, and trouble has ensued.
It's also possible that FNB just pushed him over the edge. I'm not sure what post it would have been, but at some point Manton could have seen something FNB posted about what the British really wear, and Manton couldn't take it any more. He purchased a deer rifle and scope, smeared his naked body with black and green grease paints, donned a conservatively cut-and-styled headband, and right now is perched in a tree waiting for FNB to pass by unaware of the angry yet stylish eyes that are burning holes into his sole.
There's the nagging suspicion, though, that Manton was just a troll. There. I said it. His original StyleForvm handle was supposed to be Manton Lean. Hmmmmm.....
Put yourself in Fred's hands, you deserve it.
I believe the illustrious Teacher is now an immoderator on Andyland, part of the interweb's elite...
These guys have way too much time on their hands.
And you'll never know if I own ol' Teach or not!
(Or if he owns me...)
I was a bit distressed at first what with the image of a man running around like a wild animal with a deer rifle in one hand and an inventory of his unsold books in the other but then i thought, is that really his style or would he more likely go postal?
Wonder if the Headband has drape....?
Does green and black go together, what's the rulez say?
Last edited by formby (2008-06-19 16:35:14)
Hey Fritzl, have you been watching the footie, thought Portugal were robbed....
I always loved it when Teacher trolled me over on SF for trolling Harris -
So that was a troll trolling a troll who was trolling a troll.
It has a certain rhythm to it doesn't it? And trolls of course make the best moderators.
Personally I hope that Mr. Manton is busy writing another one of his books to share with us all when he returns.