Nice article-but not what I was expecting-I thought it may have been an article about Brooks Brothers launching a line of button down collar hawaian shirts.
For I have decided to expand my wardrobe this summer to hawaian shirts only- in ever increasing degress of gregariousness and visual volume in an attempt to lighten my mood. ( I have decided to no longer mope around -and feel sorry for myself- through my current crisis)
Who makes the best hawaian shirts ?
At present I have focused my purchasing to-Bocca classics, carribean and island republic- which seem to offer good value for money.
Last edited by Cheeky Monkey (2008-06-24 15:54:02)
Marc-thankyou for the link - what a fantastic resource-I rather like the look of the 1942 US Army parachute jumper coat.
The write up confirms my view- that hawaian shirts are just the thing -to aid the removal of my melancholy.
Thankyou again.
Nice link Mr.K - did they steal the design for the hawaian cowboy shirts from Alex "Ron Jeremy" Kabbaz-I wonder
I bought some from North Cove Outfitters in Old Saybrook CT a decade or so ago made by a company called Paradise Found. made in Hawaii, featuring real bamboo buttons. nice patterns. they seemed like the real thing.
Excellent suggestion Tom22 - whilst looking for a stockist of Paradise found shirts-I stumbled across this site - expecting a site leading me to fellow afficianados and fans of hawaian shirts by this manufacturer - I had an extremelly pleasant surprise-thankyou for the suggestion-have you visited this particular club my I ask?