'Horrid' subject matter, but very stylish...
'Cabaret' for grown-ups.
I mention it because 'Cabaret', a lesser film, had greater stylistic influence - Liza's eye make-up inspiring Alice Cooper, etc.
(Actually, I don't believe that story - it's far too cute to be true)
Not my area, as it doesn't deal with Classic American Dressing, but style is style in any accent.
Worth a look if you don't know it.
It is, however, a bit grim...
I'd watch 'Pee-Wee's Big Adventure' afterwards to cheer yourself up.
But that's just me.
Last edited by Incroyable (2006-06-04 20:51:30)
Thanks for 'taking the bait', Sir.
I genuinely think that this film should be better loved by those who love style, whatever flavour that style may be.
It's 1969 looking at 1933/34 and you can see a lot of the first half of the '70's in it!
The women all pre-figure 'Hard-Gloss' to my eye - Most would be happily at home on a Roxy Music sleeve.
Last edited by Incroyable (2006-06-03 15:27:48)
Some time ago the BBC did a two part documentary about VIsconti. It was absolutely fascinating and the clothes he wore in the many clips of interviews, him working etc.were truly excellent and would all be wearable today. By contrast his erstwhile "very good friends" Helmut Berger, Farley Granger and Franco Zefirelli were dressed abonimably.
Last edited by Incroyable (2006-06-04 20:54:47)