I thought you were supposed to be ignoring me
Jerk circle - used in the UK like knitting circle. A circle jerk is the activity itself. You should read more and not fiddle with any of it, or put it in and out like the Hokey Pokey - fiddling makes you blind and thus stops you reading, which means you don't know stuff. That is a vicious circle.
It's nice that you are pleasant to everyone. I'm feeling the love.
... And this is the Snark thread after all. Nice stuff is on the 'Awesome' thread. Both sides of the coin & all that.
l'm amazed at how this thread got so much attention. l'll never understand why.
R.M.Williams boot designs have gone to shit in the last 4 - 5 years. lt's like what happens to shoo companies when they have flagging sales and need to do someone drastic to boost there sales. l've heard that some R.M.Williams are made in China now, and looking at some of the boots l wouldn't be surprised. l'll have to call head office and find out for sure.
R.M.Williams is becoming a fashion house now. The people running the company have strayed way from the original RMW identity and the quality is down, has been for years. lt breaks my heart what this company has done. They are trying to grab so many markets that the RMW identity is not strong anymore. l'm done with R.M.Williams...l can't support what the ugly monster that the company has become. The company started going strange about 12 years ago.
R.M.Willams boots are EVERYWHERE in Oz. Eventhough the catelogues mention aussie venues for RMW, that is probably only 10% of all the venues that sell them. Many clothing/supply shops stock them too. They even make special order dog shoos.
Last edited by The_Shooman (2009-09-18 03:31:18)
HOW to deal with sweating? (He sweats a lot, by the way):
A really silly question:
Last edited by Sammy Ambrose (2009-09-18 23:00:10)
I've been told that the world's leading expert on men's clothing is in this picture:
Which one is it?
Well, Silky and I have congratulated him and are now in his good books.
Andy reckons he bought his EGs at Pediwear...ooops!
Votive candle rack + towel rack + mirror + camera =
worship at the church of the iGent: