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Fixing it now. Thanks Russell.
I shall meet you later, Behind The Scenes!
iGent fallacy # 14758595: upgrading from 200 to 500 Euros per shirt MUST buy better craftsmanship...
The incessant worrying about whether something is fairly priced, where it's actually made and comparing every item's cost to a lowest common denominator is also disturbing. Alarming is that the tailoring industry puts up with that too. I've always believed that this sort of customer, "the piker", is the biggest headache and should be shunned at all costs.
Price matters. For some of these guys if the price isn't high enough it can't be any good. As to whether it's "fair" that's something I suppose the market determines. However, with luxury goods, pricing is not a predictor of quality. The price only reflects what the market will tolerate, e.g. Norton and Sons pricing would make London House green with envy. Of course Norton and Sons has a 'royal' warrant from the ex-king of Bulgaria (not that there's anything wrong with that).